whats the secret?


MuscleChemistry member
Bodybuilding, whats the secret?

Got asked this today at a store. Just laughed at the guy and said donuts. lol But he really wanted to know some kind of secret to it all. Amazing how some people think. Looks at me and thinks I have a secert instead of thinking, damn this guy most eat, sleep, and breath bodybuilding to look like that, lots of hard work and sacrifice right there. But nope, I just have a secert, haha!
It does not surprise me, especially a guy your size must attract attention anywhere you go...

People are foolish, I understand this completely. I often bring an 8pack of reeses peanut butter cups and put it on top of my gym bag and eat them during my workout...I love chocolate. So one day, I see 2 other younger lifters carrying a bag with, yep you guessed it, 8 packs of Reeses. So I went up to both of them and said, why are you eating those? They said, well we see you doing it everyday and figured it's a pre-workout secret to getting strong... Rather then even respond, I walked away in shame for them.
It does not surprise me, especially a guy your size must attract attention anywhere you go...

People are foolish, I understand this completely. I often bring an 8pack of reeses peanut butter cups and put it on top of my gym bag and eat them during my workout...I love chocolate. So one day, I see 2 other younger lifters carrying a bag with, yep you guessed it, 8 packs of Reeses. So I went up to both of them and said, why are you eating those? They said, well we see you doing it everyday and figured it's a pre-workout secret to getting strong... Rather then even respond, I walked away in shame for them.

thats like when you put a new twist on an exercise, and then a couple weeks later you'll see a couple people doing it.

seriously if any asks if i workout i just say table tennis...
Nuk you must draw eyes at every turn. If I can draw a few now and then, I can't even fathom what a routine day must be for you. Especially when you are hitting hard at your gym! I guess you gotta love what people can come up with these days.
yrs back I'm in the mall with a friend thats 5'4-1/2 224 with abs & someone asks"do You workout" & straighfaced he replied "no I play tennis" LOL
Bodybuilding, whats the secret?

Got asked this today at a store. Just laughed at the guy and said donuts. lol But he really wanted to know some kind of secret to it all. Amazing how some people think. Looks at me and thinks I have a secert instead of thinking, damn this guy most eat, sleep, and breath bodybuilding to look like that, lots of hard work and sacrifice right there. But nope, I just have a secert, haha!

I usually tell them "shake weight...

...for men."

shake weight, too funny....nuk youre the biggest dude around where you live. Tell them its all sorts of crazy stuff. just jag their wires
Here we go, this is the best answer I have seen yet :)

Youll love this. I always have this huge can of peanuts by my computer at work so this guy who does the trash (20 years old at best), is always asking how I get so big. About 2 weeks ago, I told him peanuts. This past saturday, he comes walking in with this huge fucking can of peanuts and says that he has been eating them all day. I felt so bad for him. I told him, not all day, use some fucking common sense dude.
<object><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="movie" value="https://www.facebook.com/v/424081764328929"></param><embed src="https://www.facebook.com/v/424081764328929" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="1"></embed></object>

<embed src="https://www.facebook.com/v/424081764328929" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="1"></object>

theres No way in hell thats a real video, if it is, then i totally give up!
When I get asked, oh you workout? I usually say yeah, a little but mostly I'm big like this from f@cking my wife 3 times a day 7 days a week! That's the end of that discussion...
Youll love this. I always have this huge can of peanuts by my computer at work so this guy who does the trash (20 years old at best), is always asking how I get so big. About 2 weeks ago, I told him peanuts. This past saturday, he comes walking in with this huge fucking can of peanuts and says that he has been eating them all day. I felt so bad for him. I told him, not all day, use some fucking common sense dude.

do the peanuts really work???? lol When people ask me if I work out I usually say "I used to when I was younger but
not anymore" They usually believe me. Dam, I wish it was that easy. lol