whats the secret?

I remember some years ago there was a big guy in my gym who was doing seated barbell curls. Within a few weeks all these skinny fucks were doing seated barbell curls.
The stupid thing is, if you tell them what you really do, they will not listen to you. They want it to be the easy answer, take a pill. When you tell them otherwise—even if it's take a pill included with all the hard work and dedication, they will only hear the 'take a pill.'
I once told some guys Canned Dog Food, lol, it has all the protein and nutrients you need and it's cheap, I eat like three cans a day. Everybody wants it, but most are not willing to work hard to get it.
It's always a downer when you tell people the truth. Like when they ask how did you get so big or strong or fast or whatever it is and then you tell them that you ate 7x ed for the past 5 years, trained 4+x a week, got fat as fuck to make the most of being natural, then used supplements that caused very unwanted side effects, and you still do all of this to this day to keep what you worked all that time for.
It's always a downer when you tell people the truth. Like when they ask how did you get so big or strong or fast or whatever it is and then you tell them that you ate 7x ed for the past 5 years, trained 4+x a week, got fat as fuck to make the most of being natural, then used supplements that caused very unwanted side effects, and you still do all of this to this day to keep what you worked all that time for.

lol, kind of funny
never ceases to amuse me when guys join the gym and say " I dont want to get too big!" (like its easy, lol)
They usually quit within 6 months (more like always) because, get this, THEY ARNT GETTING BIG. lol