Whats up guys. Primo/test question.

Ok, well here is what i have in my possesion, i trust you guys kow your shit, so knowing my past gyno experiences, and my goals which is like most newbies, (lean, Dry, KEEPABLE gains) What would you put together with what I have

4000 mg Equipoise
4000 mg Primo
5000 mg Test E
2000 mg Tren E. ( dont worry, i wont be runing this anytime soon, a friend who supplies gave it to me because he orders in bulk and sold it to me real cheap. (its def legit)
I have gotten alot of different views on this board. im hoping to get a general concensus now. Thanks again for all the help. If you wre me, what would you do?
500mg test /wk
400mg eq / wk
for 10 weeks.

leave it at that. 10 weeks isnt really enough time for the eq, but if you will see anything from it, it should be by then.
Thanks man, i appreciate the reply, thats what i thought i was gonna hear from you guys. I have arimidex as my AI, i was wondering what doses you thought i should run, .25 mg a day, or .5 mg a day, .5mg eod. Thanks again for the advice, if you thikn i should get more gear to run the eq for 12 weeks, i can.
Santo224 said:
Thanks man, i appreciate the reply, thats what i thought i was gonna hear from you guys. I have arimidex as my AI, i was wondering what doses you thought i should run, .25 mg a day, or .5 mg a day, .5mg eod. Thanks again for the advice, if you thikn i should get more gear to run the eq for 12 weeks, i can.

10 week is good for a first I think. I'd never recommend over 12 for a first.

you could use the AI at .25mg EOD. You may not need it at all though. I really dont need an AI unless Im running higher dosages. Even then, its mainly preference as bloat will be minimal if your diet is clean.
Thanks Dreww, you've been a huge help. Its straight to mix the test and eq in the same syringe right?is their any thing i have to know when drawing two compounds into 1 syringe? I was thinking 250 mg Test and 200 mg Eq, in 1 syringe, twice a week. Every Monday and thursday. Hows that sound? I thikn im gona run the Adex at the doese you suggested at .25 mg eod.Thanks man.
Santo224 said:
Thanks Dreww, you've been a huge help. Its straight to mix the test and eq in the same syringe right?is their any thing i have to know when drawing two compounds into 1 syringe? I was thinking 250 mg Test and 200 mg Eq, in 1 syringe, twice a week. Every Monday and thursday. Hows that sound? I thikn im gona run the Adex at the doese you suggested at .25 mg eod.Thanks man.

Personally I think you've made a good decision, and it sounds pretty solid all the way around. In regards to too much and being your first. My final thought is.. and it's not more is better by any means... but I'd stick to a solid 12 weeks both compounds with AI, and proper PCT. Clean diet, and plenty of rest.. and you will get serious effects from all around regiment..

You'll grow nicely, you'll keep bloat to a minimum, you're strength will go up and the EQ will definitely help in the vascularity catagory... good luck bro.. i think you're in the green!
Would there be any merit to adding some anavar to the front of the cycle, or is that just making this cycle more complicated then it needs to be?
haha, ok, thanks man, just wondering since both esters are slow acting, if it would add some early gains, thanks for the advice
Bump Dreww's comments.

I, too, got a bit of gyno at puberty, and was worried about using AAS.

However, I did a cycle with AI's in reserve and never did then. I have done many cycles since with no probelems and I am currently on a gram of test and over a gram and a half of other gear with no probs. I DO use proviron as it gets a bit more bang from the test. (I did get itchy nips once which is why I started using proviron.)

I would also go with the 500 mg of test and the 400 mg of eq, with a Mon/THur ot Tues/Fri injection time. Eat lots of protein and you will grow more now than you will on any later cycle.

I would keep the first cycle very simple so you know how you respond to the different stuff.
I read on another board that soome guys say they responded better to 400 mg primo then they did 400 mg eq, is this a rare occurence, or is it just based on the individual, cause i have enough to run either or at 400 mg a week. I am pretty set on running the EQ, but i was wondering if anyone has any experiences with primo, keep in mind this will be with 500 mg test e.Thanks again, you gys have been fuckin awsome.
See i would never call this a cutting cycle, but i will be on a calorie reswtricted diet, and what intersted me in Primo was that it is said to work even while on a calorie restricted diet, im not trying to drop alot of LB's while on, but i want to lean out and drop a couple bf%'s. What worries me a bit about the EQ is the possibilitie of my appetite shootin through the roof, I was wondering how you would compare the effectiveness of primo to eq mg for mg. Thanks for all the help.
Sorry I missed it was a cutter.

I never had my appitite increase with eq, but that is me. I am on primo now for a cutter because it can allow you to gain a bit of muscle while dropping fat.

However I didn't do my first cycle until I got thinned out naturally. Your first cycle will be the one where you have the most gains in LBM, so I would recommend doing it as a bulker or you are wasting some of that potential. If you want to cut, do that with your second cyle if you can't drop naturally.

I have found that as I put on more muscle, it is actually a whole lot easier to drop fat as my caloric needs have increased because of the extra LBM. That and t3 can help a lot. But keep the weight you drop to no more than two pounds a week or you may be dropping muscle as well. When I have dropped more, I lost muscle.
thanks for all the advice man, so you still think i should stick to the Equipoise? I have some money put away for me to play with, so i could spring for some extra primo, to get the effective dose, but if you think the equipoise is the best bet im gonna stick to it. BTW how androgenic is primo, i read all the shit sayin its the safest aas you can get, but i read a few stories of hair loss. I have topical spiro, and nizoral shampoo to run while on , no matter what i use. I was wondering how severe hairloss with primo could be. Thanks again for all the help.
In terms of hail loss, I am 41 and mine was thinning when I was 18. The hair has gotten thinner over the past four years, but I dunno if it is gear or simply aging. I haven't noticed anything specific when I use primo so it may just be age. Damn. (My wife hates the bald look.)

Primo is very gentle, and this is one of the main reasons that I take it. Same with Var. Primo also allows you to gain LBM when on a diet, but the effects are marginal. I am on a gram of test a week, a half a gram of var, a half a gram of deca nad 600 mg of deca. So you can see why I want to have some real mild things included. But I have been doing it for a while and you want to start as low as you can and still get some bang.

The purpose of taking gear in a cutter is to keep you from losing the muscle you have gained. I have never been that successful in cutting fat while gaining muscle. I can do one or the other, but not both.

If you go with Eq, check your blood pressure every week or so (at the pharmacy) to make sure you are OK. High BP can cause a stroke, but you may notice headaches, or pressure in your face when you are doing squats or overhead presses or similar exercises that use lot of muscles.

I would use Eq if I wasn't so concerned about my BP.

MY personal recommendation would be to do a bulker with 500 mg of test and 400 mg of eq. I would run it for ten weeks and eat like a fiend (lots of protein - 2 grams for every pound you weight, good carbs and good fats). You will know if you are gaining too much fat, and you can adjust what you eat. Then I would do a few weeks of a cutter and eat to drop two pounds a week (add some t3 if you want, but keep the dose low like 50 mcg or 75 mcg the first time). If you do four weeks of the cutter, you will drop eight pounds and the cycle won't be too long (14 weeks). I find that it is easiest to drop after a bulker because your metabolism has adjusted to the calories, or to bulk after a cutter since your body has gotten used to having fewer calories. I also instandly drop two pounds when I go to a cutter because I just have less food in my gut. This isn't a real loss, but it keeps the motivation up.

But a lot of this depends on how much you want to drop. I usually don't try to drop more than a dozen pounds at most - realistically more like eight.
Santo224 good on ya for seeking out advise, the more you know the more you grow. I know that you saw alot of opinions in this thread and I didn't really see one that I would consider bad advice. You have to keep in mind that there are many ways to reach your goals and some will work better and faster than others. Everyone is a little different in how they respond to different drugs, so you really have to experience for yourself. The main thing is to have a plan and stick to it.

I have used AAS off and on for 14 years and I would stick to 10 weeks with the test at 500mg/wk. I love primo, it will help solidify gains I would run it the last 6-8 weeks of your cycle.

I'm with drew, I also got a touch of puberty gyno and have never had even a hint of a problem with gear but it is smart to be prepared.

Generally you get hairloss unless it runs in your family, then the AAS will speed it up.

Keep us posted on your progress, Good Luck.
Thanks for the reply, i was actually considering that exact plan, cause running it the last 6-7 weeks would allow me to use a higher (more effective) dosage. I definitley would like some added density that primo offers. But i also see the point that a first cycle should be fully taken advantage of as a bulker, cause you grow the most off it, and then i could save the primo for say a summer cutting cycle with some prop. So many options out there, the more i learn the more questions i come up with.