What's up with Lewd?

this question was ask of me on Freaky...

Hey Gear,
      I recognize you from FitnessBoard. Man, what the hell is happening over there? Lewd has been keeping things a little more under control lately but the freaks are still running the joint!

my answer:

ya lewd is still a really good guy but i think he's getting sick and tired of all the bullshit and he's just trying to keep the broad clean.. alot and i mean alot of new people on the broad and the guy must get 40-50 emails aday with newbies asking hey "bro can i get a source or can you build a cycle for me i know nothiing about gear and there's a guy that i want to beat up on Monday and i don't want to lift wieghts".. and etc. etc. etc. I think he's just getting sick of it and he just trying to keep it like the good old broad that it use to be... it's got'n so bad that i started to get email like that i had to take my addy off the site.. one that i can think of was some newbie mailed me and told me that Machine told him to check with me and i'd give him a source, then about two or three days Swolen posted saying that the same guy was doing the same thing to him.. so i don't do this very often but it just became a vet flame thread.. needless to say the guy hasn't been back on the broad...

end of paste

now i could be wrong with this but i have read some of Lewd's threads about what he wants in his inbox and not.. but i normal don't like to talk for people, this is just what I've seen and what i thought..


hey Lewd i'll like this broad bro good to see ya.. <!--emo&GG--><img src="http://musclechemistry.mantisforums.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/bigsmile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='GG'><!--endemo-->  <!--emo&GG--><img src="http://musclechemistry.mantisforums.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/bigsmile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='GG'><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteBegin--tiny+Mar. 18 2002,12:09--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (tiny @ Mar. 18 2002,12:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->hope you stop by some more...  btw. you know what will happen to the rec.drug forum over there..? ..is it gonna stay or get the ax..

When I suggested it(rec drug forum) should be removed I was told that Jeff(board owner) liked the way the board was set up for the time being and wanted to take a break from making changes.

I'm sorry things have calmed down over there with the stupid posts, I haven't been feeling well - but soon I will be back 100%!  I will do my best to keep you busy, old friend.
DAM NEWBIE GOT ME AGAIN.. the guys got like 500 or 600 posting on the fit braod and ask me to mail him so i'm think OK why not so vet has something for me RIGHT.. WRONG.. check this email i got and tell me that this guy has read anything about gear or has done any searches....


Hey Gear101, I have searched every post on the board and
I still can't find this one, if I am going to do a
Winny onlcy cycle, how should I run my Clomid.  I am
thinking 100mg/day for the first couple of weeks
(starting a few hours after my last tab) and then
50mg/day for the third and final week.  Do you think
there is any chance I should have some nolvadex on

Also, On this post you guys were talking about IP's
Winny tabs.  Who would you recomend?  I'd like to
stick to the orals, so my options are limited. I know
TT makes a tab but I don't need 500 tabs, like this
guy is selling them for?  For the money is IP good

Thanks for the reply, later.......

He should have just posted this so all the other newbies could read it too

Now i'm just a post whore.. bump whore... lmao whore... need to know stats whore... etc.etc. whore.. i really don't know all that much about gear and this is the type of email  i get all the time.. when i had my email addy on the broad i'd get like 6-7 of these aday .. and don't think about no responing top them then they'll just fill up our inbox...
I am in love with all of you. This is just like "FitnessBoard Lite".
All my pooperpals are here and just as sexy as ever.
Lewd, I could have told you that Oak is a piece of feces. Don't worry, I won't make any brash remarks on FB anymore since it is getting really "anal" over there.
I truly am nude for you.
Lewd your a good mod and I'm sorry for my post, you helped me in the past and I feel bad about my statement.  Hey Gear101, I get those emails too, "Machine you are the smartest on the board...do you know a legit source?" Machine I really like your last post (like I know what that was, I'm a POST-WHORE) could you help me out with that? (I have no idea what the guy is talking about), my favorite email to receive from someone who I have never heard of before is "So do you think that will work for me?"  What the hell is that?  Anyways, sorry Lewd.
I would go nuts if I had to put up with some of the shit people post on that board recently.  Lewd and Gearedup have always helped me out.