Whats with hushmail??

I went 30 days without getting into my hushmail account so they de-activated it... big deal Ill just creat another one! But when I submit my username etc.. it says "Checking email address availability... " and then freezes up... I need to get a cyber-rights or hushmail account set up ASAP do any of you internet geniuses know what might cause this?
I had the same thing happen to me they deactivated my account and it freezes when I try and sign up again. I thought it was my computer since I'm on a Mac
I've got my own server with my own e-mail address and haven't set up a new one yet, I'm waiting to be on someone's PC to try and set one up or I'll try and use a different computer and try. I don't currently have a secure account anywhere else at the moment
yea bro, they stop your acct if you dont log in atleast once every 3 wks, i've had to create another acct. w/ a diff name. Never froze up on me tho!
You could try keptprivate.com. I paid for a premium account with cyber-rights because I knew I wouldn't get back before the free account expired.
hush deactivated mine too. I just went with a whole new name altogether.

according to their site, they now deactivate free accounts every 3 weeks. then, they force you to buy it if you want revive it.

they are trying to make money, can't blame them really.
i didn't even realize that it was an option to buy an account I think that's a new addition since mine got cancelled a while ago!