Whats your dream stats

What size would you like to be? arm size? weight? Body Fat %?

I would just love to be 250+lbs on stage. with like 32in legs and 20in calves. Thats my dream goal.
thats what my friend was had 34 inch thighs tho
Im 5'8, so....... 240lbs, 20inch arms, 8%bf. Im about 196lbs now with 17.5 inch arms. I got a ways to go...... but unlike most BB's, I never blow up and get fat in the offseason, even if i try to, so its like im bulking forever. I wish i could at least get to a fat 230...... but it aint happening right now
I think my frame could hold 300lbs, but being ectomorphic it will never happen. With my long arms, they'd have to be at least 21" to look porportionate. Same with calves.

Im 5'8, so....... 240lbs, 20inch arms, 8%bf. Im about 196lbs now with 17.5 inch arms. I got a ways to go...... but unlike most BB's, I never blow up and get fat in the offseason, even if i try to, so its like im bulking forever. I wish i could at least get to a fat 230...... but it aint happening right now

thats ridiculous. I have a pretty fast metabolism, but I can eat myself to a fat 240lbs.