whats your next cycle?

first of the year

week 1-4 bol 30mg
week 1-10 test e 750
week 1-10 400 EQ
week 6-13 winny 50mg
week 5-13 tren 1cc ed
week 14-15 nolv
week 15-20 anavar 30mg ed
week 15-20 primo 400mg
week 20-33 test prop 100mg ed
week 20-33 eq 400mg
week 20-33 tren 1cc ed
week 26-33 winny 50mg
week 34-36 nolv

hope to get 30-35lbs out of that.. then take some time off
will do.. just have to wait for the first on the year and hope i get a dig camera for xmas.. whick looks all good my friend :D
Gear101* said:
first of the year

week 1-4 bol 30mg
week 1-10 test e 750
week 1-10 400 EQ
week 6-13 winny 50mg
week 5-13 tren 1cc ed
week 14-15 nolv
week 15-20 anavar 30mg ed
week 15-20 primo 400mg
week 20-33 test prop 100mg ed
week 20-33 eq 400mg
week 20-33 tren 1cc ed
week 26-33 winny 50mg
week 34-36 nolv

hope to get 30-35lbs out of that.. then take some time off

Looks nice, are you running any HCG?
Another bulking cycle in the spring:

500 mg Sust 1-10 (got the good amps from infar!)
400mg Deca 1-10 (QV)
30mg Dbol 1-4 (TT)

This will be #2 and almost the same as #1 except for sust not enanthate. I've gained 26 lbs on #1 so I'm not trying to fix what ain't broke! :)
cutting for me starting 2nd week in January

10 weeks
wks 1-8 test prop 100mg ed
wks 1-8 Fina H 75mg ed
wks 8,9,10 winny 50mg ed
may run clen 2 wks on 2 wks off if I get enough lol
Starting in a few weeks as soon as my goodies get here, with ldex throughout & clomid afterward.

1-12 500mg Test Enth.
1-3 35mg Dbol ed
3-12 400mg Eq
7-12 75mg Fina ed

Then I will be moving into a cutting cycle, after clomid and about 3 more weeks, or I may just bridge. This is still a work in progress.

1-8 100 test prop eod
1-8 75mg fina ed
3-8 50mg winny ed
1-8 30mg anavar ed (not sure if this is long enough)
Also will be taking liquid clen, and thinking about putting in dl masteron also. If I put on too much fat during the bulking cycle, I may try dnp at a very low dose, if this doesn't get me cut up enough.
750-1000mg test a week 1-12 (still deciding)
40mg dbol day 1-4
400 deca 1-8 (deca sucks for me other than just keeping joints lubed)
fina 75-100 ed wk 5-10
eq 600 wk 6-14
arimidex, nolva, clomid use as always, hcg in the middle and at the end. will be throughing in cytomel at first to help limit sum of the fat gain, and pgf2 at the end for fat loss(best stuff i have every used for fat loss) have played with hgh before with no luck, but i'm thinking of trying one more time, still up in the air, also debating on weather or not to take a few months off or go straight into cutting for summer for another 12 weeks, i have never been on for 6 months straight, so i will decide when the time comes, but start bulking again this monday.