What's your winny plus anavar dosing look like?

My body just likes straight winny. 50mg ED and I am perfect all except my liver............winny makes my AST and ALT levels bump up.............try to use a lot of NAC to counter the elevated liver stress.
Winnie and my RA does not work.... anything you guys think I could do to address this issue??
Just gave me way too much energy. Felt like BP went up a little too much. Yeah just a little too harsh that high.Understandibly so.

gotta be honest here as i have never heard of "having too much energy" Shit I wish i had too much energy!
gotta be honest here as i have never heard of "having too much energy" Shit I wish i had too much energy!

It was not a good kind of energy. Felt like anxiety driven energy. Just didn't feel right to me. Also I noticed my body temp went way up on 100mg var ,just too much.
It was not a good kind of energy. Felt like anxiety driven energy. Just didn't feel right to me. Also I noticed my body temp went way up on 100mg var ,just too much.

i know that feeling and yeah it sucks! Clenbuterol does that to me