When do you cut it short or skip?

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I've had a few of these over the last couple of months. I get all excited to go to the gym and after a few sets I'm chilly, but sweating like crazy. I've learned to just go home. It seems like I just can't train as hard or as often as when I was younger. I'm at the point now where I only train each bodypart hard once a month as that seems to be all I can do without getting injured or sick. I feel like I'm just getting lazy and maybe its in my head? With my current supplement regimen I should be able to train 5 days a week no problem
I walked in the gym on the 1st walked on the treadmill for 3 minutes and left, i say at least once every two months or so i walk in and walk out, like i am just not feeling it that day.

now i am sure you have had the days as well when you think it's gona be a shitty workout and turns out to be your best.
No doubt the first set is toughest....yes there are times when I say the hell w/it. Then I come back the next day and do it right.

If I'm in a time crunch, I do half the sets super intense. Or I do the Mike Mentzer hi intensity thing, just 3 sets per body part (after 2 set warm up) SUPER SLOW. Meaning at least a full minute per set...so like doing 4 regular sets time wise.
all of the above. Dude, you should be good at listening to your body. Everyones different. Knew a
competitive bodybuilder long time ago and he used to do heavy workout for body part, next time light,
next time medium. Then heavy again. Everyone thought he was undertraining but it worked for him.
He was in tune with his body.
It could be in your head bro. I don't think you are much older than me but we have stressful lives and all that plays into everything. I think the best battle and more satisfying one is the mental one you have when you want to pull back.

If I'm tired or weak I pull back. If it hurts and burns an do extra reps.
There are times I'm just not feeling it and will go about 3/4 weight and speed through my workout so I can get out asap. I hate having to leave my house to even go to the gym so I better at least go through my routine even half assed. lol. I always say it's better than nothing and at the very least I maintain my gains.
I remember talking to Robby Robinson a number of yrs ago and one thing he told me that the pro's have a HUGE advantage over us working stiffs, that being that the pros who are finincailly secure dont have the everyday worrys that we have and they do deal with crap of thier own, we have much more to deal with. I thinks hes spot on
yeah there are days when I just dont feel like hitting it hard...so Ill just do cardio, or go home...when it happens a few times over a couple weeks. I just plan on a week off (7-10 days) and recharge my mind and body. Its about every 4th or 5th month I have a crappy month...Like Nov. this past year. It was horriable, just didnt have the drive or intensity at all. So I dropped my supplements down to HRT doses (my hrt doses) and just went in a couple times a week for the final 3 weeks of november. I spent more time at home, and didnt really think about bodybuilding much at all. by the time decemeber rolled around, I was ready to hit it hard. And I did, had probably the best month all year long...As I have been saying, and its continued into Jan of this year...So maybe take the month off, or scale back to 2 times a week. and enjoy your wife, go somewhere, take a weekend trip, ect...just forget about bodybuilding for the month...maybe you just need to recharge the mind...and give the body a break...
since i've switched to only m-w-f and HIT only 1 set per exercise, i'm motivated most of the time...even on leg day which i put on mondays to get over and done with (i hate legs)
since i've switched to only m-w-f and HIT only 1 set per exercise, i'm motivated most of the time...even on leg day which i put on mondays to get over and done with (i hate legs)

yeah there are times when I go to the gym and after the 1st 2 sets I know if the work out is gonna be good or not. If not and I try to force it I will only be opening myself up to injury. So at that point I tell myself, just go to failure on one set then call it a day. Sometimes this will be to failure on a static contraction-that's right 1 rep. Still hitting failure though and a slow negative on the way down.