When you all say do 40 minutes of cardio twice a day for a show.............?

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Presser you are the man... I wish u the best of luck, I run 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill of the morning, and then I ride a bike for 20 minutes, and after my workout....I ususally run wind sprints of 20 a day with skeleton drills after that...my cardio is very good
I like the treadmill the best. Running seems to be the best bang for my cardioi buck. I prefer high intensity interval work over straight jogging. I wouldn't get too hung up on the numbers with your reduced caloric and carbohyrate intake 80 minutes might be a stretch. I would shoot for 2 30 minute high intensity sessions and see where you can go from there. FRom what I saw in the pics you look pretty damn good don't over cook it if you don't need to.
I do 40 minutes of cardio on the elipticle every morning on an empty stomach. Then at night after my workout, I do 20-25 minutes on the treadmill @ 3.0mph with a 3% incline.
Presser said:
man i cant do no 40 minutes,lol, my bf % is at 6.4 today and the cardio turned my legs into toothpicks,lol, i thin i will keep cardio where it is and eat the way i am, hopefully will hit my taget look

Damn you Presser. All that cardio I do and the clean way I eat, and I Still have a BF% in the teens. I just don't get it anymore.

Have you tried to contact Napalm? I know he came in lean as hell for his show.....Jackedup or Napalm would proabably be your best source of info at this point bro(no offense to any other bro's who have competed).......456
Not sure what your diet looks like, gymrat, but you should give high intensity interval training a chance at shedding the fat.
WeirdAl said:
Not sure what your diet looks like, gymrat, but you should give high intensity interval training a chance at shedding the fat.
...or beat the fuck out of your parents for not giving you better genetics...just a thought...:(...
24 days Presser!!-I've been doing 30 min post-workout and 1-1/2 hrs on off days-I mix it up-usually as intense as I can-I start my clen tomorrow-sure hope it works as well as my bros tell me it does as I'm doing about 1/2 the cardio I did for my first show so we shall see!!-Good Luck!!-P.S.-I don't care how much cardio you do-you got GREAT WHEELS!!!
sully said:

...or beat the fuck out of your parents for not giving you better genetics...just a thought...:(...

Trust me, I give them verbal abuse every day for it. I go to the damn gym twice a day. Do cardio in the AM and a little after my lifting setion in the PM. I eat cleaner then anyone I know. By looking at me you wouldn't tell that I did cardio or ate clean. I just look "bulky" F*ck*ng sucks!!
Cardio twice a day for 40 minutes is too much in my opinion. You do it that long and you are going to be burning muscle as well. I think cardio in the morning follwed by a very strict diet through out the day and you should be able to hit your target look. I know a guy who competes who diets down without cardio. He says he preserves much more muscle that way. When I compete next year I will try to diet down without cardio as well.
I did 45 min of cardio 2x day at 3 wks out. I did 20 treadmill 25 bike, low intensity. Last week before contest no cardio. I worked great for me.
Presser, try doing your cardio on the bike and the treadmill,, While on the treadmill, walk at a high incline at a moderate pace and basically walk in a lunging motion, squeezing your hams and glutes.... That should help shred ur glutes up as well... You dolnt want to run, That will eat too much of ur muscle..