Where to start?


New member
Can someone please give me an idea of where a beginner sould start. I only have about 1-2 hours a day to work out (if i want a good nighs sleep "6 hours") and am loosing focus due to no results with conventional methods. I have looked at reviews of many products to help and am getting nowhere. My biggest issue is that im in the military and in Iraq. My goal is 25 lbs befor I get home in 4 months. Im 35, 5'9' and 170lbs.
Any and all advice is welcome.

Dont really know what your asking bro... are u wanting to know what kind of gear you should run with proper dosing, or methods of training??
I don't think you need gear yet. Your biggest place to start would be to make sure you are training regularly and eating very well. Granted that may be hard being in the military over in Iraq, but that is really the biggest thing for a beginner. Considering you have time to train, then it's the calories that will need to be your focus. You have to be eating enough to support the growth. At least 1gm of protein per pound of bodyweight that you want to weigh, not your current bodyweight is one part, then at least 500 calories over your BMR (base metabolic rate) is the other. Being in the military, you are probably burning a LOT, so calories will be key here.
Solid advice from saudades here. I'd be living in the mess hall Bro and in tight with the cooks, hooah!

I don't think you need gear yet. Your biggest place to start would be to make sure you are training regularly and eating very well. Granted that may be hard being in the military over in Iraq, but that is really the biggest thing for a beginner. Considering you have time to train, then it's the calories that will need to be your focus. You have to be eating enough to support the growth. At least 1gm of protein per pound of bodyweight that you want to weigh, not your current bodyweight is one part, then at least 500 calories over your BMR (base metabolic rate) is the other. Being in the military, you are probably burning a LOT, so calories will be key here.
Yeah man, can't stress diet enough. You mentioned you had 1-2 hours a day to workout. That's more than enough time. I don't think I'm ever in the gym for over an hour. How about you tell us what you've been eating on a day to day basis, and what is available to you. The more you're able to be disciplined while in Iraq, the easier it's going to be for you when you get home.
We eat like kings here. I have been focusing on protein rich foods. Quarter chicken (white meet) with about 2 cans of tune with onion for flavor. Spinich (cause i want to be like poppey) or asparagus and a fresh fruit( mostly melon or watermelon). This is lunch and dinner. My hours dont allow me to have breakfast so True mass takes that place. I am gaining but not how I want. Also I have never weighed over 160 till I got here. I have gained 10 lbs in the last month but its not going where I want it. ANd bye the way thank you all for the advice. I dont believe half the crap that is advertised so the best way for me to learn is from people with experience. And you may be right about not ready for gear but I need to find something/way to to get to my goal.
If you are trying to lose weight than you need to eat less calories...no way around it. However, with that reduced calorie intake you want to get in protein rich foods, and good carbs. Figure out your baseline calorie maintenance and eat about 500 calories less per day. That should be good for 1lb each week not counting any calorie expendetures while working/working out. Adjust accordingly.
Ok, what should I eat? Ive got to start somewhere. Just lifting isnt getting me where I want to be.
it sounds like you are eating some good foods but at each meal try to add something extra for a week and then weigh. if you are not gaining go back and add 2 things extra at each meal for a week and then weigh. continue to do this until you start gaining. also consider eating some sort of snack in between meals if you can maybe you take off with a bannana from breakfast and eat it a couple hours later before lunch. then take something from lunch to snack on ect. at some point you will gain weight or drink the mass drinks in between each meal that would work too.