Which steroid will you never take again and why?

Tren. It just messes with me too much psychologically. It's a shame as I love it, but it just isn't good for me
Eq cause it just takes too long and i don't get much from it

and tbol and var...i like big and fast results...not that mild shit meant for men's physique gays and chics
Winstrol. Just way to many horror stories and injuries associated with this shit. Masteron is was better and safer on my op.
Winstrol. Just way to many horror stories and injuries associated with this shit. Masteron is was better and safer on my op.

Oh ya! Winstrol is a bitch. I wouldn't use that if I was getting paid to!
winny, too bad on the hairline
i like eq but it gets my blood to thick and bp goes up on it, plus it take forever to kick in
Halotestin, and sustonon 250. Blood pressure and pimples suck! Straight ester test is the way to go.
Test Suspension or Winny. Both of them can kiss my ass. And the funny part is, I've got some test suspension that's sitting in the stash and I've been thinking about it. It's a hard struggle to not do something when you already have it, but that shit cripples me all over.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and it's funny that EQ has such a bad rep because I love it, but that's also because I get no sides from it. I also love tren (no sides except night sweats) so I guess I'm just a lucky fucker since I don't get the negative sides that most get
Man you guys are crazy. Test suspension and winny is the shit for a pre comp stack the last 4-6 weeks pre comp. You want to be hard, dry and grainy...Then do this stack..what do you think the guys in the late 80's and early 90's used...test suspension and winny v...Strengh, hardness, and dry...cant be that combo...add in some hgh, some parabolan...and BOOOOOM !!!! the shit is OOOOOONNNNNN!!!! there must be a bunch of newbie's or young ones on the board...lol !!! j/k
Man you guys are crazy. Test suspension and winny is the shit for a pre comp stack the last 4-6 weeks pre comp. You want to be hard, dry and grainy...Then do this stack..what do you think the guys in the late 80's and early 90's used...test suspension and winny v...Strengh, hardness, and dry...cant be that combo...add in some hgh, some parabolan...and BOOOOOM !!!! the shit is OOOOOONNNNNN!!!! there must be a bunch of newbie's or young ones on the board...lol !!! j/k

I agree for comps that's the best you can get, but I'm not doing shows anymore lol. I just would rather stick with TNE and have no pain that use Suspension and hurt like hell. I will say though, I used NPP/Suspension/M1T together a while back and loved it. I couldn't get rid of the constant knots and pain, but I responded VERY well to it. I'm just keen to TNE now
Tren ace for me. The last time i used it i had anxiety over things that would never effect me if i wasnt on it. I had an overall tightness in my chest like i had a cement block on it.

I absolutely loved the gains from it but these days its just not worth it to me anymore. For now im happy with my weekly dose of Cyp. It keeps me lean and feeling positive overall.
Man you guys are crazy. Test suspension and winny is the shit for a pre comp stack the last 4-6 weeks pre comp. You want to be hard, dry and grainy...Then do this stack..what do you think the guys in the late 80's and early 90's used...test suspension and winny v...Strengh, hardness, and dry...cant be that combo...add in some hgh, some parabolan...and BOOOOOM !!!! the shit is OOOOOONNNNNN!!!! there must be a bunch of newbie's or young ones on the board...lol !!! j/k

The only "boom" I would get from that stack is my knees shooting into the gym glass