Who can beat Phil?

Like it was said early only Phil can beat Phil, but doesnt mean I wouldnt count out anyone like Martinez. Martinez has got the taste of placing in top 3 and top 5 he is only getting better with his dieting. As for Jay he has been a great bodybuilder made history for himself, but personality I think Heath has push Jay into early retirement. Wolfe really needs to bring up his back to even think about doing any damage. Dexter is out for the count and getting ready to retire. Dex has brought the same package every year and hasnt change. As for Branch I think he will place top 3 all the time at olympia and the arnold is going to be his best win. Now for Kai I think if he could stop putting size and maintain what he has and just work on the shredding that he is known for he could win. Now the one I would keep in my sights is Evan Centopani he coming up quicker than what people thought. But for all its everyones opinion and lets see what these freaks bring to the table next year.
I think Evan Centopani has the potential. He can be both massive and conditioned. He's got good proportion too. He's like Jay ten years ago.
I think Evan could be a contender, but I don't know that he has the build to beat Phil. I'd look for Roelly or Brandon Curry to give him a run for his money in the next year or so. But Evan, Roelly and Brandon could all be big surprises. You just never know what these guys are capable of
Time will tell, I really didn't even think that he would place in the top 3...

then I saw the pics and was like WOW that's awesome...

if Wolfe man could bring up a few lagging body parts and really nail his conditioning then he will be a major force

Phil has both size and great proportion. That's hard to beat. But the only thing harder than becoming the champ, is staying the champ. Wolf for example, big tall guy, and he can hold alot more mass. Jay was always blocky and that has always hurt him. Dex has great proportion. He wont improve anymore but imagine if he had alot more mass on that proportioned frame.
we all saw how much Phil improved, and others are improving right behind him. Don't just on the Phil train yet.
Phil has a package that has never been seen before on a bodybuilding stage. His shape and symmetry rival Dexter's his full muscle belly's and size are tremendous and he is not in his prime yet. Honestly I don't see anyone beating Phil. The only possibility is Phil losing. The guy was born to be the best bodybuilder on the planet. He now has ALL the tools. Unequaled genetics, time to learn his body, a crown, and unlimited resources. The title is now his to lose. Everyone else will battle for second.

I believe we're looking at the greatest BB'r of all time.
I seriously think this guy is going to be the O for rest of the decade.
Case closed.
Phil is still so young. I think the gap between him and the rest of the field will continue to grow for the next few years. Unless he suffers some major setback, of course.
I believe we're looking at the greatest BB'r of all time.
I seriously think this guy is going to be the O for rest of the decade.
Case closed.

I know he CAN be the greatest of all time, but staying on top for that long these days is going to be hard. There's a lot more competition than when Dorian, Ronnie, Arnold and them were on their streaks
I mean there's a reason that 3 guys won the title for 20+ years and in the last 4 years there's been 3 different winners