Who Deadlifts? Who Doesn't?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I'm pumped, I was able to Deadlift today with this pec injury I've been training around. Though I did it in the Smith Machine for safety, it felt great to hoist some real weight again. It also got me to thinking of how great an overal Mass builder the Deadlift is. Who Deadlifts regularly?
I do..every other workout.....
Sorry for the blonde moment- but how do you do deads on a smith machine?
Are you still at an angle?
I do..every other workout.....
Sorry for the blonde moment- but how do you do deads on a smith machine?
Are you still at an angle?

I have a Smith that is at 90 degree's (no angle). I put my feet right under the bar.
i m not a big deadlifter.... from what ive learned they widen your hips over time, so i kinda stay away from them

i always do stiff legs for hams though
never do them, any heavy movement for me has been thrown out the window.. To many hernias and injuries.. I used to do them a lot, but now I am paying for it.
I do them about every other workout. I alternate them with doing bent rows & pullups. If I don't do deads, I do bent rows and pullups.
i only do rack deads now in the offseason....no need for full deads for what i'm trying to accomplish....it's precontest now though so i'm doing bent rows for back thickness alternating with corner rows
i dont do dead lifts.
thankfully iv always had decent leg/calf muscles and there bigger now then ever before and i dont really work them.
reez i dont is my back is fked up from car accedent 4 yrs ago so i dont want to mess myself up.
ill kinda do dead with holding DB's and squating and do calf rasis but all out deads no :-(
I did them until I was able to do 585 for 12. At that point I noticed my hips and waist getting wide. Now I do heavy bent over rows and stiff leg deads.
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I started doing them again a few months ago...had a microdiscectomy about 2 years ago....feel 100% now so I do them every other back work out....I do not go heavy any more, just 225-250lbs and try to hit 4 sets of 20 reps each.....try some high rep deads and your back will explode with new mass...
I think it is HONESTLY person dependent on widening of the HIPS.. Look AT Dexter The Blade Jackson.. he has a slim waist and he SLAMS The Deads.. truly he does.. And truthfully I think BRANCH has a slim waist all things considered and he dead lifts like crazyman..

And YES, I certainly do DEADLIFT !!
I love deads...I do partial deads 90% of the time to be safe...but I try to take the bar below my knee caps...I like higher reps to in the 15-20 range
I do back twice a week and do rack deads on upper back day and deadlifts on mid and lower back day.
I do them but probably not as often as I should. I'm going to have to try the smith machine. That might make it easier for me to do.
i do deads from the floor once a week as my main as well, my favorite lift, im up five plates on each side for 6 good reps. only bad thing is when i get home my feet hurt like hell.
I love deads...I do partial deads 90% of the time to be safe...but I try to take the bar below my knee caps...I like higher reps to in the 15-20 range
That's how I do them, too... just about an inch or two below the knee cap. I was always told that the main benefit comes from the last 75% of the move anyways, so why take a chance on injuring yourself during a non-beneficial part of the exercise.