who does DC training


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Read a little on DC training - DB006's posts got me interested. Tried it
last night. I'm not a believer in the one hard work set principle. Did it for
chest and I have to say after that work set, approx 10-4-1, it felt like
enough. Did it for bench and incline - and back - 2 exercises. Cant seem
to convince myself that one set is enough for Bi's/tri's. I know I'll make
myself do at least 3. How you guys deal w/it or any other input.
I tried it last year but couldn't stick to a routine at the time because of work and personal commitments. I did enjoy it though and I've sinced incorporated a lot of the principles into my regular training such as the stretches. I'd like to go back to it at some point
DC training takes a little bit to get used to. I used it for about 12 weeks a few years ago. The strength gains I made were pretty damn good. I think my bench went from 275-315...and that was training natty. I actually just started training DC again yesterday. DB's thread along with reading a bunch of DC's posts over at intensemuscle got me wanting to try it again.

One Rest-Paused set is very different than one set. I see a rest pause set as 3 sets with a 20 second break in between. Once you get your form down and really start concentrating on the negative it makes a huge difference as well.
Any1 seen mike mentzers video on HIT?? its kinda the same princibles ive been training like this for a few weeks now and seem to be enjoying it i just need to do a bit more lighter stuff at the end for the pump. It is a bit strange though as the dude he's training is taking off somtimes 10 days between training days!!
DB I know they are asking about training but if you haven't already could you post your diet. If you already have thats my fault. Its hard to find one thats actually legit not knowing if the person knows what they are talking about or not.
DB definatley knows what he is talking about
Chances are he will not post his diet, I know i wouldnt
We have invested alot in our diets and its not something we just post for everyone to see
I would like to do DC training, but I need a point to the routine. Can we get it posted here? Everyone seems pretty interested in it so it would make sense to have it here.
Arrgh, I can never find anything when I want it, and now that I've asked the question, suddenly it pops up out of nowhere. I have an article now that explains DC training from Doggcrap himself. I'll post it in another thread.
saudades said:
Arrgh, I can never find anything when I want it, and now that I've asked the question, suddenly it pops up out of nowhere. I have an article now that explains DC training from Doggcrap himself. I'll post it in another thread.
there are many more great reads like the one you posted. everything can be found at *********, i will post some random things up as i come across them.
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DB006 said:
there are many more great reads like the one you posted. everything can be found at intensemuscle, i will post some random things up as i come across them.

Awesome! Studying up on it. I'll take a look.
mcgaret said:
but one set for BI's ?? I know I'm going to want to do more - we'll se tomorow

if you do the working set like you are supposed to, going to failure each time (including after each rest pause), your bi's will be fried. If you aren't giving it 100% then you will probably need more sets. But less than 100% means you aren't doing DC.

I need to work on this myself. DC is not just phsically challenging, but mentally as well. Knowing you only get a few breaths before another "set" and knowing you gotta hold a painful stretch for a minute afterwards...its all sounds easy but its not. It hard to mentally stay that focused the entire workout.
I know what your saying. When I tried it for my chest the one work set blasted
the crap out of it. But dam, I used to to curls to failure then forced reps concentrating
on the negitives. It was the "old days" and a lot of people would do this shit. We
would do about 4 sets then mabey 1 more exercise same way for 4 more sets.
I'm just saying with that mindset the "1" hard set will be mentally hard to follow.
I fully read the newly posted info on it - Arms tomorow - lets see if I can work em
hard enough on that one set to stop there. Let ya know.
mcgaret said:
I know what your saying. When I tried it for my chest the one work set blasted
the crap out of it. But dam, I used to to curls to failure then forced reps concentrating
on the negitives. It was the "old days" and a lot of people would do this shit. We
would do about 4 sets then mabey 1 more exercise same way for 4 more sets.
I'm just saying with that mindset the "1" hard set will be mentally hard to follow.
I fully read the newly posted info on it - Arms tomorow - lets see if I can work em
hard enough on that one set to stop there. Let ya know.
did you read the dc sticky????
DB006, Yes, just read the sticky fully. (good read) I just have that mind set,
especially for arms, that more is better. The "OLD" school that if you have a
lagging body part you do more work. I can see and feel the one total set for
large bodyparts - legs, chest...- But I have that mind-block w/arms.
O.K. - Worked bi's today determined to just do the one all out work set. Warmed
em up and did a 11-4-3-1 1/2-1- 1/2 , (had to make sure there was nothing left.)
It wasent the standard 10-4-1 but for me it was huge, just one HARD set. Bi's felt
pumped and worked. Mabey there is hope for me yet. I'm going to give DC a try -
I was way overdue to switch up workouts and this is sounding/feeling pretty good.
Oh-yeah - I also included the strech -hurt like hell but felt good.
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mcgaret said:
DB006, Yes, just read the sticky fully. (good read) I just have that mind set,
especially for arms, that more is better. The "OLD" school that if you have a
lagging body part you do more work. I can see and feel the one total set for
large bodyparts - legs, chest...- But I have that mind-block w/arms.
O.K. - Worked bi's today determined to just do the one all out work set. .

like the article says, the hardest part really is breaking the old mindsets that have been instilled in you since you began working out. But you reach a point where you will do anything for more gains no matter how different from the "norm" it is. I think most guys doing DC have hit this point.

in theory, wouldn't it make sense to do fewer sets for smaller parts and more volume for larger parts? "old" school logic really didn't make alot of sense, lol.
Broooo, What makes sense and what gets through my thick head are two different
things. LOL - I started hitting the gyms in the 70's - every thing was "volume".
Lets see if I can teach "this" old dog new tricks.
Tried it with chest and back today - this next week I am going to follow
it correctly (order of bodyparts worked per day ect..)
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