Who does front squats...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
actually, I can front squat freely with flat feet and have a nice front squat. But I cant do that with regular squats. I have to have plates under my heels.

also, free squats hurt my back and a belt helps, but front squats really kill my back and quads. Unfortunately the back goes first.
yeah front squats put more work on your quads. I used to love to do them on the smith machine it worked great for that. But ever since i tore my right long head when i hold it with my right arm i cramp up something fierce on taht arm and it becomes unbearable so i cut them out. i love them though.
I love front squats- but form is the most important thing here, so swallow your pride if you are going to seriously incorporate these into your normal routine.
Back need to be straight, lean too far forward and you can fall like a bag of bricks. Abs need to be in, feet should be apart straight ahead so you can go at least parallel with these. The hardest part for most is finding where the bar is going to sit on your clavicles and what your hand positioning will be. For me, the bar sits in an indentation perfectly. I use the cross over hand positioning , some guys like to under over position and that is fine. If done properly, you should really feel it in the front part of the quad.
Again form is key here, I have seen some guys try to rack up 270 right off the bat(because they can do 270 with regular squats) and they make asses out of themselves because the bar ends up falling forward because of shitty form, or weak back or weak abs. Longtime ago when I used to have a partner we used to do 100 count front squat reps to begin quad work. Weight was light but after 50 it seemed like it was 1000 lbs. There was no stopping , you could pause for a second, then keep moving. I never got so sick in my entire life. Yes you feel like a puny ass for only squatting 135 but the burn in the quads was phenomenal. Some guys like to do it on the Smith machine, but I can't get the bar to sit properly on my clavicle and my hand positioning does not feel right, so I don't use it.
Good luck if you incorporate these into your rotation. It may be a while before you can actually add some serious weight on the bar.
how to front suqat....my man trop!!

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Hate him :)
Seriously, SPC is not your run of the mill recreational gym guy.
I think you guys know who I am speaking of in my post.
These are the guys with buds that need to prove they have manhood....
Ahhh, front squats...haven't done those in a while. I've been sticking to really basic movements for the last couple of years. Maybe I'll throw them in to change things up a bit.
i use them when going really heavy b2s it really makes my knees feel better i got torn art. cartilage in each so i really need all the help i can get.
I've only tried fronts using the smith and I stopped doing them because they hurt like hell. For some reason they really kill my shoulders and I have a hard time holding onto the bar comfortably. Perhahps my I'm holding it wrong or something. Think I'll give these another go on the barbell next week.
NAIR said:
I've only tried fronts using the smith and I stopped doing them because they hurt like hell. For some reason they really kill my shoulders and I have a hard time holding onto the bar comfortably. Perhahps my I'm holding it wrong or something. Think I'll give these another go on the barbell next week.
it hurt because you need to have delts first before you do this exercise. :D

but seriously, it takes alot of practice to get it right. Maybe a free front squat is better?
i luv front squats, less stress on the knees than a hack squat machine..... not to mention less stress of the lower back. i also like how i recieve more of a burn in my upper thigh
front squats are beutiful i normally do front squat every 3rd leg workout from normal squats, i went quite heavy last time trying to brake my record and i had 2weeks of lower back pain its all good now tho