Who here likes to do powerlifting?

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That's probably why the DC method is so effective. It seems to combine a bit of what could be termed powerlifting into the mix. You always do squats and deads. Since increasing my squat poundage, it has spurred more growth everywhere else overall.

I love doing really heavy shrugs, and it has increased my grip strength a lot, too. I'm now up to 405 on the squat, and I love to see people's faces when I'm putting on the weight because they seem to be in total disbelief that anyone can squat that much in my gym since I seldom see anyone doing squats.
I used to be more into it but working out at home with limited weights has curtailed some of my powerlifting movements for the time being... I agree that it's a surefire way to pack on muscle overall
i was thinking of doing a powerlifting meet again , i havent done one in 10 years i suppose, just bench though to get back into it then maybe dead,sq,and bnch meet