Who let the DOGG in??


DOGGCRAPP is in the house!

Welcome bro. Alot of interest here about your training, bro.

Let your knowledge spew forth!! Welcome!!
I just did my first workout according to your program yesterday. Pretty grueling!! I can't wait for legs and bis tonight!! Good thing Wed. is an off day!!
I welcome anyone with DC's reputation!
Knowledge and experience are a wonderful thing and can be a bitch to obtain! And remember what Michael Jackson said...the children are our future!
Great to have him here, I saw his name on the newest members portion. Nothing but good has come from other peoples mouths about your training. Can't wait to hear a bit.
Doogcrapp is the man! listen to what he has to say, 32lbs later the man has changed my life! And I'm gonna continue with him till 300! He know's his stuff, and is a nice and honest person as well.
Glad to see you, DC. Apologies in advance if you're having "technical difficulties."

Also I'll chime in and say that I / we realize you're SUPER busy and can't possibly post to match your popularity (and success), unless you plan on not sleeping (which your new wife will not likely appreciate LOL!).

Any input you have would be awesome. We'll all do our best (your clients especially, I hope) to point folks in the direction of what you've already posted on topics elsewhere if things become redundant.

Speaking of, someone really ought to put together an organized (and gigantic) DC FAQ...

Glad to know you're around DC. :)

Wow with an engineering degree, a vast amount of varied reading, hitting mensa scores on IQ tests and thinking Im pretty well rounded in knowledge, my dumb ass couldnt figure out that I did the Screenname and password in CAPS and that is why I couldnt get in. I guess this nominates me for Muscle Chemistrys "Idiot of the Month" award--where do i pick up my trophy?