Who let the DOGG in??

LOL...glad you finally made it! And yes, we have a really nice trophy for ya! :D
Wow with an engineering degree, a vast amount of varied reading, hitting mensa scores on IQ tests and thinking Im pretty well rounded in knowledge, my dumb ass couldnt figure out that I did the Screenname and password in CAPS and that is why I couldnt get in. I guess this nominates me for Muscle Chemistrys "Idiot of the Month" award--where do i pick up my trophy?

You will have to accomplish much more monumental feats that that to be the idiot of the month around here. LOL.

At least you didn't try to reinstall your system software b/c you didn't notice the the keyboard wasn't plugged in!

Glad to see ya, Biggun.

Wow with an engineering degree, a vast amount of varied reading, hitting mensa scores on IQ tests and thinking Im pretty well rounded in knowledge, my dumb ass couldnt figure out that I did the Screenname and password in CAPS and that is why I couldnt get in. I guess this nominates me for Muscle Chemistrys "Idiot of the Month" award--where do i pick up my trophy?

I will have to mail you the trophy as I was last month's winner. ;)

Welcome to MC.....It's great to have you here. I've been reading about your training techniques and I'm very intrigued.