Who still likes using orals ? d-bol, winny v, anadrol


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Who likes the orals still ? D-bol, anadrol, winny, halo, ect, ect....Just curious to see who uses them ... they arent near as popular as they use to be in the 90's...see like back then everyone used high doses of d bol and anadrol...but now people do higher doses of test, and peptides, ect...
i agree with nuk.
plus the sides of loss of appetite and indigestion makes any gains null.
i still read of the occasional 'real good' batch running around.
For me...winstrol, dbol...too many sides

I like anavar, anadrol, and halo (precontest)

Wanna try bolasterone
I get halo prescribed from my doc, 30mg/day on weekdays. I really like Axio's methanoplex, awesome stuff. I never get any of the water weight from it, but I do get some incredible pumps so I take it before going to the gym. High doses of it does bloat my stomach with air though.
Who likes the orals still ? D-bol, anadrol, winny, halo, ect, ect....Just curious to see who uses them ... they arent near as popular as they use to be in the 90's...see like back then everyone used high doses of d bol and anadrol...but now people do higher doses of test, and peptides, ect...

I am going to be starting a cycle at the end of the month, beginning of next month, and I will be taking some oral stanoplex from axio, so I will keep you informed.
I keep hearing this stuff about, "batches sucking". My buisness side of me is thinking about starting a buisness where guys can send me a tiny sample and I will tell them the potency, excipients used and more. I used to do this when I was in under-grad. I was the organic chem lab assistant. They let me order all of the reagents and I spoke directly with Aldrich. So, my buddies would give me samples and I would run them under a Nucleur Mag Resonance and an Ifrared Spec (The best). It would provide a graph to amtch to the original. I did it for free. After a while, it got old b/c he was bringing to much. You guys think this would work??
D-bol is D-bol, no matter who makes it. For it to be called D-bol, it must have the same molecules and be the same except the excepients.
You've got a drop dead gorgeous oral right under your noses...........namely Liquidz M1t

few of you guys have been giving this products kudos, I used M1T back in 2004 and it made my hemoglobin and hematocrit go sky high. I was using 30mg ed 3 weeks on 1 week off for either 4 or 6 months straight. My diet was garbage back then so I dont remember what kind of gains I got out of it. Is there any difference in the M1T that liquidz has to the one that axion pharm was putting out back then?
Who has used liquidsolutionz M 1T???? On paper it is really one of the strongest orals...ever...like anadrol on steroids..ha ha....I like OTC superdrol almost as much as anadrol...curious to try IBE's bolasterone methylated ph....

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i love anavar!!!!! but it has to be run really high, 20-25 tabs a day. keeps me hard as nails and strength feels excellent.
i used to love winny but no its spikes my bloodpressure WAY to high...
but i love me some d-rol

since im trying the blast and cruise cycle that chris250 and nuk suggusted i try ill be adding it in again next week
few of you guys have been giving this products kudos, I used M1T back in 2004 and it made my hemoglobin and hematocrit go sky high. I was using 30mg ed 3 weeks on 1 week off for either 4 or 6 months straight. My diet was garbage back then so I dont remember what kind of gains I got out of it. Is there any difference in the M1T that liquidz has to the one that axion pharm was putting out back then?

M1t for six months straight!!!???? You are lucky you still have a liver!! I never tried Axion m1t but I have tried Underground labs M1t which was considered one of the best back in the day. I have also used CEL Mdrol, Havoc, Epistane and anadrol and Liquid matched or beat them all!
Who has used liquidsolutionz M 1T???? On paper it is really one of the strongest orals...ever...like anadrol on steroids..ha ha....I like OTC superdrol almost as much as anadrol...curious to try IBE's bolasterone methylated ph....

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See my post above.
There are other powerful orals still out there at good prices but I believe they are all on borrowed time. Boladrol looks very promising and is currently on sale. It appears to be a wet bulking type compound. The best time to get these items is right before they become banned as the prices drop considerably. I stocked up on pheraplex that way at a crazy $10 a bottle!
M1t for six months straight!!!???? You are lucky you still have a liver!! I never tried Axion m1t but I have tried Underground labs M1t which was considered one of the best back in the day. I have also used CEL Mdrol, Havoc, Epistane and anadrol and Liquid matched or beat them all!

Yea man I was dumb.. It was probably more like 4 months straight and did zero pct. Most likely the reason why I have polycythemia and balding much earlier than I need too and lets not forget the cue ball size knot I have in my right nipple..

Now that my diet is in tact and im 6 more years experienced in the game, id like to try it again. I wouldnt go more than 20mg a day and def not for 4 months straight again.. Oh yea and have some pct on hand
Im always my biggest when I add in drol or d-bol or sometimes i take them together. For me though it seems when you come off, you lose like 70% of it. Also, the pumps are sometimes too much with drol. My 2nd time using it (50mg ed) I almost had to quit it due to the pumps. It was getting harder to walk/brush teeth/eat/useStairs, etc, but I was my heaviest, 210ish. Im like 200 now
Im always my biggest when I add in drol or d-bol or sometimes i take them together. For me though it seems when you come off, you lose like 70% of it. Also, the pumps are sometimes too much with drol. My 2nd time using it (50mg ed) I almost had to quit it due to the pumps. It was getting harder to walk/brush teeth/eat/useStairs, etc, but I was my heaviest, 210ish. Im like 200 now

That Iranian drol is fucking sick dude. I've been off for two months now but here in about a month its go time again and the those Iranian pills are coming to the party
That Iranian drol is fucking sick dude. I've been off for two months now but here in about a month its go time again and the those Iranian pills are coming to the party
yeah dude, no joke! I get pumped playing x-box on those things. Im gonna incorporate them in again real soon here...