who would have a fling if your other never found out?

T82 said:
I havent ever nor would I ever cheat. As said by many of the guys already, I would know I did it. PLus, imagine how badly it would hurt the person youre with if they knew the truth? I just wouldnt do that to another person even if the relationship wasnt going well. There are better ways to go about it if I wanted to be with someone else..........

I agree. I'm having a hard time trusting my current GF due to the things that she has done in the past and when she gets drunk as well. We were dating for 3 years then just got back together a few months ago. I almost just want to start seeing other girls to see if someone else makes me happier....but at the same time don't want to ruin what I have right now.
Thanks for the replies

I appreciate all the feedback that everyone has given. most of you seem to be very happy in your marriage, or current relationship. I agree with you all but honestly sometimes I do think about being with another woman after all I am human and a male. I see an attractive woman and sometimes just daydream. I am very happy with my woman and she is watching me write this, she knows that all of you should show yours how much you love them by letting them read this post, if there is ever a doubt because its you own words and your own free will.

You have no reason to lie here you are accepted however and who ever you are.

You are all great people and for those that would or consider it, you need another mate, your unhappy or just need a different sexual encounter with your mate, its called boredom and you can change it. It will make a difference.

Thank you all for you replies and I am glad to see that everyone is basically happy with thier spouse or GF, need a little spice in your life talk about it and let it go wild from there it will help.
Honestly before you decide to cheat break up first or remember you will attract people like you, once a cheater always a cheater, you cant take it back once its done, and others may do it to you.
Gotta say no but it is hard not to want to when the wife doesnt put out for a long damn time. I do think about it- but my wife is my very best friend and one night of passion is not worht messign up a life tiem of mariage.
noel said:
wow, i am suprised how many faithful guys there are around here !
especially with the well above average testosterone levels around here.
i wouldnt miss a wink of sleep...i buried my conscience ina shoe box in my back yard years ago
some people may think that I'm contradicting myself here, but if I make a promise to see a girl only -I never have or will break that promise...
if I think they are cheating on me, I'll get rid of them
not worth wasting my time...no, I don't trust anyone but if I think a girl will break her promise then we date and that's it-if she gives me reason to suspect she's cheating on me-I dump her
depends on how serious we are im like ip i could care less at this point all my relationships have gone down the shitter so i dont have many of them i just have the fuck buddy on the side or somethin of that nature.
Yea i have and probably always will cause women are scandaless! the nicest ones are sneaky, and the slutty ones are just that, no matter how nice you are. I think its more of a chance with younger women, because society teaches them, being a slut is "cool" and "date as many guys as you can". yeah, its a double standard, but if a girl gets caught, shes a hoe, and if a man gets caught, hes a pimp!! Guess im glad i was brought into this world as a man!!!!!!:puke:
irishpride said:
i wouldnt miss a wink of sleep...i buried my conscience ina shoe box in my back yard years ago

IP is my hero...but seriously, I think we've all buried our consciences to a point over the years. As far as cheating on my wife goes...I wouldn't. Had plenty of opportunities over the past few years and with things going the way they've gone I've realized that no matter how much a person thinks they want to get with someone else for whatever reason, if you do it while you are still in a relationship you will most likely regret it later as well as cause a lot of hurt. If you want to be in an open relationship make that known @ the beginning, if you decide this somewhere in the middle of a relationship get out of it, and if you've been married for awhile and are starting to get close to acting on these feelings ask yourself why and if it will really be worth it in the end...cause in my experience it very rarely is. I mean what is 10 minutes of sex compared to 10 years of marriage???
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I'd love to but I think I lost my nerve a couple of years ago. DAMMMM
The last couple of times I could have I got too nervous. (whats up w/dat??)
By the way been married 16 years and have 2 daughters.