Whose switching to propionate already?

I see switching to prop if you are going to start tren ace just because you can pin them simultaneously. As for holding less water, I'm pretty sure that's a myth.
It's not really in and out of system quick if you're doing EOD for weeks. Testosterone goes in and the aromatase enzyme converts it to estrogen. The test from a long ester isn't technically in your system until it's released bit by bit. It will all be in your system eventually.
You hold less water on prop than you do on the other test esthers.
Bullshit. That is a myth. Test is test, the ester is why it takes a long time to break down. I have been on TRT for several years prescribed by my doc. The longer the ester the better for your HPTA. Water retention plays no part bros.
Bullshit. That is a myth. Test is test, the ester is why it takes a long time to break down. I have been on TRT for several years prescribed by my doc. The longer the ester the better for your HPTA. Water retention plays no part bros.

thank GOD we banned this asshole! and no its NOT bullshit, you do Indeed hold far less water on propionate than with say enanthate or cypionate! dick head
​I would totally run prop for summer, but after pinning 2.5mL every day for 3 months, on top of 2-3 shots a week of TNE, I think I'm ready to go back to twice a week pinning....
Somebody explain to me why you hold less water on prop? Not trying to be confrontational but I have yet to hear a scientific explaination.