Celexa increases your Serotonin, not Dopamine.
Link : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0009639/
I agree 'bout the rest.
Most science is in agreement that Progesterone's actions differ greatly in how it messes with the hypothalamus. Androgens exert direct negative feedback and work in dopamine terminals. Progesterone on the other hand f**** your libido by shifting Adrenal hormones in the wrong direction and increasing serotonin too much.
Your best bet is always going to be target the HORMONAL issue first, then follow with neurotransmitters if necessary.
A lot of it can be done orthomolecularly with nutrition, so never discount that!
Also, Deca of course is way worse in all regards to hormones but then, you stack it with some decent GHRP and a great Test-cycle and you will be getting huge.
Do more research I got u beat here.
Celexa is an ssri, yes it increases serotonin which in turn increases dopamine.
Or re-read my post.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
Celexa increases your Serotonin, not Dopamine.
Link : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0009639/
I agree 'bout the rest.
Most science is in agreement that Progesterone's actions differ greatly in how it messes with the hypothalamus. Androgens exert direct negative feedback and work in dopamine terminals. Progesterone on the other hand f**** your libido by shifting Adrenal hormones in the wrong direction and increasing serotonin too much.
Your best bet is always going to be target the HORMONAL issue first, then follow with neurotransmitters if necessary.
A lot of it can be done orthomolecularly with nutrition, so never discount that!
Also, Deca of course is way worse in all regards to hormones but then, you stack it with some decent GHRP and a great Test-cycle and you will be getting huge.
Thanks for the link but I have done far more fine tune reading than that.

Dopamine is increased in people who respond to treatment with ssri's.
Drugs the ones abused greatly increase dopamine!!! And serotonin too!!!

Androgens like dht increase dopamine and they also bind to progest receptors more.

But it's also a fact in long studied cancers that progest needs estro to cause tumor growth. So nolva is still used no estro no progest issue.
Same goes with estro and tren. Lower the aromatase from test too high and watch the androgenic action allow u to screw a knot in a tree.

Oh by the way Mr link do some research because the most dopamine releasing drugs increase serotonin. That is right serotonin syndrome chances go up with these.

U knocked at my door with your link.
If i pissed u off so be it. Go learn something in your area

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So if I feel GREAT on Tren ( not pissy and super aggressive), is it because my dopamine levels are higher on Tren?

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That is right more dopamine more feeling of confindence.
Androgenic the higher raises dopamine
And more wacked out estro lowers.
People with depression don't have too much dopamine at all.
Mental illness like bipolar have ups and downs from over stimulation and burn out.

Low testosterone has this issue with estro to test and depression the worst.

Gold standard for depression treatment is ssri's but in some cases they are given caber as an add on when not responding to treatment.

If one has too much estro with tren or their rate of aromatase the progest will be a problem but not if one let's androgenic side of things come into play

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
Celexa increases your Serotonin, not Dopamine.
Link : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0009639/
I agree 'bout the rest.
Most science is in agreement that Progesterone's actions differ greatly in how it messes with the hypothalamus. Androgens exert direct negative feedback and work in dopamine terminals. Progesterone on the other hand f**** your libido by shifting Adrenal hormones in the wrong direction and increasing serotonin too much.
Your best bet is always going to be target the HORMONAL issue first, then follow with neurotransmitters if necessary.
A lot of it can be done orthomolecularly with nutrition, so never discount that!
Also, Deca of course is way worse in all regards to hormones but then, you stack it with some decent GHRP and a great Test-cycle and you will be getting huge.
Just to prove my point this is just one.

And area thanks but I am a reader and big time and I know alot about what we do here and have alot to offer by research and reading I have done.
Just so u know I don't take a dam thing my Dr writes on a pad until I know all about it.
And neither my kids!!!
I just felt like u were trying to tell me something or correct me I don't know but it's best the ones reading this thread get right info.
It's important to understand re-uptake and serotogenic affecting dopamine too.
Just like the way anadrol is progest and esteogenic by a function even though it doesn't aromatase!!!
The environment has alot to do with things.
But if u Gonna corect me with a link, lol
There are other boards for that.

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Just to prove my point this is just one.

And area thanks but I am a reader and big time and I know alot about what we do here and have alot to offer by research and reading I have done.
Just so u know I don't take a dam thing my Dr writes on a pad until I know all about it.
And neither my kids!!!
I just felt like u were trying to tell me something or correct me I don't know but it's best the ones reading this thread get right info.
It's important to understand re-uptake and serotogenic affecting dopamine too.
Just like the way anadrol is progest and esteogenic by a function even though it doesn't aromatase!!!
The environment has alot to do with things.
But if u Gonna corect me with a link, lol
There are other boards for that.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
I've been researching this a lot longer than you.
And like half of my family are either Doc's or Chemists, not even including myself.

Serotonin does not increase dopamine necessarily.
It can do either; it can increase it or decrease it.
And brain regions are most important so if you want to get technical, you would be looking at the Raphe nucleus neurons and how they relay feedback to cortical areas.

5-HT1A/1B receptors "enhance" dopamine, but they also serve as "negative feedback".
They end up dropping the serotoninergic "tone" back down which is responsible for the delayed effect of SSRI's.
Then, after a few weeks the receptors that control neurotransmitter release don't work as well - "desensitization".
This leads to more serotonin and possibly glutamate which then reinforces dopamine.

Next are epigenetic changes. Some subunits of receptors in the hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex like NMDA-Subunit 2A get decreased.
This is supposed to be responsible for enhancing the basal (resting) glutamate level in some brain regions.
As a result, there is a selective enhancement of glutamate levels (and accompanied by a selective deactivation in some areas closer to NMDA terminals).

--> https://area1255.blogspot.com/2015/02/does-serotonin-raise-dopamine-or-lower.html

Additionally, Celexa (Citalopram) most certainly DECREASES Dopamine D(2) receptors, in HUMANS; this leads to increased Prolactin.
Not exactly consistent with a "supportive" effect. --> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4617661/

In other cases, dopamine levels fall low enough to create Anhedonia (lack of pleasure) in human patients taking the drugs.
--> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034615

Now in your case you may not be experiencing that - but some users are more sensitive to those effects and derive less benefit from them overall. This is documented time and time again. Many users do not respond to SSRI's AT ALL.

--> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9786309

The dopamine increase is variable. It happens in some and in others not so much. There is no guarantee with SSRI's.
Finally, SSRI's "require" brain histamine to actually DO ANYTHING.

Last edited:
I've been researching this a lot longer than you.
And like half of my family are either Doc's or Chemists, not even including myself.

Serotonin does not increase dopamine necessarily.
It can do either; it can increase it or decrease it.
And brain regions are most important so if you want to get technical, you would be looking at the Raphe nucleus neurons and how they relay feedback to cortical areas.

5-HT1A/1B receptors "enhance" dopamine, but they also serve as "negative feedback".
They end up dropping the serotoninergic "tone" back down which is responsible for the delayed effect of SSRI's.
Then, after a few weeks the receptors that control neurotransmitter release don't work as well - "desensitization".
This leads to more serotonin and possibly glutamate which then reinforces dopamine.

Next are epigenetic changes. Some subunits of receptors in the hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex like NMDA-Subunit 2A get decreased.
This is supposed to be responsible for enhancing the basal (resting) glutamate level in some brain regions.
As a result, there is a selective enhancement of glutamate levels (and accompanied by a selective deactivation in some areas closer to NMDA terminals).

--> https://area1255.blogspot.com/2015/02/does-serotonin-raise-dopamine-or-lower.html

Additionally, Celexa (Citalopram) most certainly DECREASES Dopamine D(2) receptors, in HUMANS; this leads to increased Prolactin.
Not exactly consistent with a "supportive" effect. --> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4617661/

In other cases, dopamine levels fall low enough to create Anhedonia (lack of pleasure) in human patients taking the drugs.
--> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034615

Now in your case you may not be experiencing that - but some users are more sensitive to those effects and derive less benefit from them overall. This is documented time and time again. Many users do not respond to SSRI's AT ALL.

--> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9786309

The dopamine increase is variable. It happens in some and in others not so much. There is no guarantee with SSRI's.
Finally, SSRI's "require" brain histamine to actually DO ANYTHING.

What works for u brother. But if u read your post above and your response with quote to me u contradicted yourself. So no matter who or what u been researching and if u gotta ask uncle Bob cool. But I asked no one i speak of my knowledge.
And thanks for clearing up your mistake on talking to me like I didn't know on your quote. If u the type that lots stuff u post gets called out by like me for being wrong then u are a blogger alright a true one. Speak the truth. U haven't impressed me. It's a good thing I was paying attention u may have confused someone with all your research
U don't know what i researched and regardless how do u know who I am and who is in my family and whatever u believe celexa and lexapro work in different way than other ssri's.
Do your thing u taught me nothing and not interested in your links.
I know I don't have any prolactin issues and my dopamine is good
I also take adderall and buprenorphine oh and klonapin and use alot of gear all the time and the info has been here provided by me on experience I have.

U are stated things that are incidental and unsubscribing to your blogger now!!!

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Last edited:
I've been researching this a lot longer than you.
And like half of my family are either Doc's or Chemists, not even including myself.

Serotonin does not increase dopamine necessarily.
It can do either; it can increase it or decrease it.
And brain regions are most important so if you want to get technical, you would be looking at the Raphe nucleus neurons and how they relay feedback to cortical areas.

5-HT1A/1B receptors "enhance" dopamine, but they also serve as "negative feedback".
They end up dropping the serotoninergic "tone" back down which is responsible for the delayed effect of SSRI's.
Then, after a few weeks the receptors that control neurotransmitter release don't work as well - "desensitization".
This leads to more serotonin and possibly glutamate which then reinforces dopamine.

Next are epigenetic changes. Some subunits of receptors in the hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex like NMDA-Subunit 2A get decreased.
This is supposed to be responsible for enhancing the basal (resting) glutamate level in some brain regions.
As a result, there is a selective enhancement of glutamate levels (and accompanied by a selective deactivation in some areas closer to NMDA terminals).

--> https://area1255.blogspot.com/2015/02/does-serotonin-raise-dopamine-or-lower.html

Additionally, Celexa (Citalopram) most certainly DECREASES Dopamine D(2) receptors, in HUMANS; this leads to increased Prolactin.
Not exactly consistent with a "supportive" effect. --> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4617661/

In other cases, dopamine levels fall low enough to create Anhedonia (lack of pleasure) in human patients taking the drugs.
--> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20034615

Now in your case you may not be experiencing that - but some users are more sensitive to those effects and derive less benefit from them overall. This is documented time and time again. Many users do not respond to SSRI's AT ALL.

--> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9786309

The dopamine increase is variable. It happens in some and in others not so much. There is no guarantee with SSRI's.
Finally, SSRI's "require" brain histamine to actually DO ANYTHING.

And most Dr's or a joke. Lmao!!!
Don't care who u are u don't know what u talking about if u did u would write a thread on experience not links.
Later dude. Go use some gear and take that crap u Dr's practice or better yet tell me what are y'all doing.
Enough said. Celexa can and will increase dopamine that's where u started and I finished.
If u wanna correct me bring a fact within all link
Neg feed back. Lol!!!
But it does increase dopamine.
I increase lots of things with neg feedback and I like it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
And most Dr's or a joke. Lmao!!!
Don't care who u are u don't know what u talking about if u did u would write a thread on experience not links.
Later dude. Go use some gear and take that crap u Dr's practice or better yet tell me what are y'all doing.
Enough said. Celexa can and will increase dopamine that's where u started and I finished.
If u wanna correct me bring a fact within all link
Neg feed back. Lol!!!
But it does increase dopamine.
I increase lots of things with neg feedback and I like it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
All the evidence was provided in my link.
Go ahead an "unsubscribe", for every one of the very few people who do that - there's another 10 that tune in.
So, it doesn't affect me one bit.
All the evidence was provided in my link.
Go ahead an "unsubscribe", for every one of the very few people who do that - there's another 10 that tune in.
So, it doesn't affect me one bit.
U have 0 followers

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
All the evidence was provided in my link.
Go ahead an "unsubscribe", for every one of the very few people who do that - there's another 10 that tune in.
So, it doesn't affect me one bit.
No u said "celexa increases serotonin NOT DOPAMINE"
Now u saying something else.
There was a endocrine Dr here other day.
Lmao!!! Ranger I think.
Anyway don't correct me with a link publicly especial if u wrong!!!
Read all your contradictions.
I am sorry but I know alot my friend.
It's not a completion but when u wrong u wrong

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Peace brother but I am a bodybuilding member of this community with real experience and research that speaks the truth and as for my family they have medical carriers Dr's, chemical engineers, u name it and I go to them for nothing.
I missed my calling.
Have fun here what ever i am laughing hope u not upset but u can't speak on something not doing something when in fact it does when given to right people that a decent Dr identify's needs it and they respond and use it till things get in order.

Same way most drugs are meant to do.
Except the Dr's who give u what u Gotta have for return visit once a month!!!
That's not treatment it's called establishing
a business on supply and demand and it's no different than the corner pusher!!!

U directed me on something u were wrong about. Don't be mad that I straightened it up. U even did by contradicting your self.

U may be a Dr? But you def not mine.
All respect to MC but brother u not corect in things u posting. At least correcting me about with a link that had nothing important.
Good day, glad the thread is corect now

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All I know guys is there is definitely some effect on the brain via Tren (with me).
My wife wants me on Tren permanently.

I had to walk her through why I couldn't and she was genuinely disappointed.

Is there an affordable blood test for dopamine I can do? I want to do some before and during Tren samples.

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Anti-P cabor [] - $59.00 : MuscleChemistry, Advanced Supplements
<iframe width="400" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/PIksBAswOco" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Erectile dysfunction from trenbolone, often called “tren dick,” is a classic and rarely permanent side effect of tren that generally comes after an initial period of great sex or even hypersexuality. So why does tren start off with such a potent sexual effect only to devolve into causing erectile dysfunction? In this video I discuss tren’s chemistry, the possible mechanisms of action, and how tren works in the central nervous system. I also compare it to deca-durabolin’s classic side effect, “deca dick,” and discuss potential management plans to mitigate risk. As I always warn, tren is in another class of risk vs. other steroids, so if you’re considering using it or have used it, make sure you watch this video to fully understand the risk of erectile dysfunction. Want to talk to me directly through Zoom? Visit
https://AnabolicDocApp.com where I host a live Zoom call every Tuesday morning and evening at 10 AM and 9 PM EST as well as provide member only content, including my private podcast and over fifty videos never published on YouTube. App members can also submit questions to me to be answered in pre-recorded videos.TABLE OF CONTENTS:00:00 - Intro00:51 - The Mechanism of Action01:38 - Dopamine, Prolactin, & Progesterone02:46 - Does Tren Increase Prolactin?06:05 - IGF07:13 - Beyond the Chemistry07:58 - Tren/testosterone/Masteron ratios??08:38 - Estrogen Crash10:40 - Management11:38 - Limit Exposure12:29 - HPTA shutdown PCT13:13 - PCT, HCG, etc.16:35 - Cabergoline17:23 - TRT18:01 - PD5 inhibitors (Cialis & Viagra)18:47 - Apomorphine19:25 - PT-14120:49 - MUSE/TRIMIX Stay Strong and Healthy, Dr. O