Why DON'T you compete??

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I'm curious as to why so many people give up so much to compete, but then thinking of the bullshit I see at competitions I start to wonder why anyone would...
Why don't you compete?
Is it cost?
Lack of desire?
The politics?
You don't feel that you are advanced enough?
Maybe its the thong?
Personally my only reason for competing is to get in my best shape possible. Then the cost, impact on my lifestyle, political bullshit, time and energy spent on a routine, music, etc weigh in.
I know I'll never go anywhere in the sport, but it just seems like as time goes by it becomes more and more absurdly expensive to compete. At the Southern States the Entry Fee was $180 and an NPC card is $100!! That's almost $300 and you haven't done shit!!
I'm curious as to why so many people give up so much to compete, but then thinking of the bullshit I see at competitions I start to wonder why anyone would...
Why don't you compete?
Is it cost?
Lack of desire?
The politics?
You don't feel that you are advanced enough?
Maybe its the thong?
Personally my only reason for competing is to get in my best shape possible. Then the cost, impact on my lifestyle, political bullshit, time and energy spent on a routine, music, etc weigh in.
I know I'll never go anywhere in the sport, but it just seems like as time goes by it becomes more and more absurdly expensive to compete. At the Southern States the Entry Fee was $180 and an NPC card is $100!! That's almost $300 and you haven't done shit!!

I agree bro, way to expensive!!! BUT it's just the challenge and having a goal to really push for! Not just the "beach trip", or summeer because its so easy to cheat and fuk up b/c if not the best who cares. You dam sure dont want to look like shit in the "thongs" losing is one thing but embarrassing would be another! LOL
I'm still too small. At 6' and 190 pounds, I'd look like a beanpole out there.
I lived in the sticks growing up and now due to economy I'm trying to survive. But would sure love to if I had the money now that I'm in a city of opportunity.Mature category of course .. Lol
Yes it is very expensive to compete and it seems that the entry fees keep getting higher. Entry fee for USAs is 200 plus the 100 to the npc AGAIN, so 300 just to go there. It's funny for those who do not know (my family for instance) that I will be spending all this money to get a trophy. I have got some seriously expensive trophies here. I compete because I believe I can do well (not financially in the sport, not many do and even the top females don't make squat) but I love to do it. My hubby and I have talked a lot about this because we put most of our money into me. I guess for me personally I don't want to get older and look back and have any regrets. I'm so glad that I competed last year because it had been so long and I didn't know if I would look ok or not, I feel that I did and it has gotten me really excited to keep going. I see some people who compete and just do not look that good, but then I'm thinking who am I to judge? How do I know that they may have had lots of kids, or cancer, or have been obese or some health issue and now this is the best they have ever looked in their life and are excited about it. To each their own, just as long as you know it is expensive as hell, tough on relationships, and you will get screwed by politics. Just my thoughts for whatever they are worth.

Oh yeah, I only see my abs when I compete, so I gotta make sure they are still there! :)
Well, for one I'm not stage worthy yet, but I have no desire to compete in the future and for me it is simple. In my opinion, the trophy is the body I carry around with me all day every day. The trophy is the confidence it instills to be strong and muscular. The trophy is the feeling I get when I put up a new personal best. That's all the validation I need. Not to knock anyone who competes, I totally respect that and I can't imagine the dedication and sacrifice it takes to get in that kind of shape, it's just not for me. To each his own. :)
Well, for one I'm not stage worthy yet, but I have no desire to compete in the future and for me it is simple. In my opinion, the trophy is the body I carry around with me all day every day. The trophy is the confidence it instills to be strong and muscular. The trophy is the feeling I get when I put up a new personal best. That's all the validation I need. Not to knock anyone who competes, I totally respect that and I can't imagine the dedication and sacrifice it takes to get in that kind of shape, it's just not for me. To each his own. :)

Well said...
I remember when I first started to compete (at 17) it was $25 for my npc card, and $25 dollars to enter the show...that was 1992...Now just to do a regional level NPC NQ show...its $100 per class, and $100 for the npc card
I remember when I first started to compete (at 17) it was $25 for my npc card, and $25 dollars to enter the show...that was 1992...Now just to do a regional level NPC NQ show...its $100 per class, and $100 for the npc card

damn your old, LOL!!! :satan:
Compete at bodybuilding? Why? Id rather compete at something where you actually have to learn skills, developing fast twitch muscles and endurance, To me thats competing. Ive found over the years is that having large muscles is completely useless.
Compete at bodybuilding? Why? Id rather compete at something where you actually have to learn skills, developing fast twitch muscles and endurance, To me thats competing. Ive found over the years is that having large muscles is completely useless.

Speaking for myself, I have had to learn skills. I did not walk into the gym and just know how to build muscle. I didn't know how to squat, or do any type of lift whatsoever. In regards to competing, unless you have done it before you have no idea what goes into it. My muscles have gotten me work this whole time, so I do not consider that useless. I also have great endurance so I think that may be a rather general idea of bodybuilders in general. Do volume training on squats with 405 for 10 sets of 10 and tell me that does not take endurance. I know runners who would drop from that. Also competing is not about just big muscles.
Compete at bodybuilding? Why? Id rather compete at something where you actually have to learn skills, developing fast twitch muscles and endurance, To me thats competing. Ive found over the years is that having large muscles is completely useless.

learn skills? learning the discipline to diet correctly, train correctly for your body. . which is developing fast twitch, you must have endurance to endure the cardio, diet, the mental aspect of not "following" the world to fast food, It's not just about large muscles, it's about overcoming your goals, being better than your last showing, everyone wants to win . . but if nothing else its competing against yourself. I'm not arguing with you . . to each is own but it's not about who has largest muscles. it's conditioning, discipline, timing, "learning".
Ive found over the years is that having large muscles is completely useless.

Using that logic, my corvette is a total waste since a 1980 Honda will do the speed limit and get me from point A to point B. Show me a competitive bodybuilder with no skills.... large amounts of tissue don't fall onto your frame. Everything is timed and it is a 24 hour a day 7 day a week job. Useless?! Show me a tennis player that can bend a car door backward without hesitation, maybe a basketball player that can grab a full grown man and throw them over their shoulder and carry them to safety...
Compete at bodybuilding? Why? Id rather compete at something where you actually have to learn skills, developing fast twitch muscles and endurance, To me thats competing. Ive found over the years is that having large muscles is completely useless.

I take it you heard this from somebody that had large muscles, because there is no way you can be speaking from personal experience.
I'm curious as to why so many people give up so much to compete, but then thinking of the bullshit I see at competitions I start to wonder why anyone would...
Why don't you compete?
Is it cost?
Lack of desire?
The politics?
You don't feel that you are advanced enough?
Maybe its the thong?
Personally my only reason for competing is to get in my best shape possible. Then the cost, impact on my lifestyle, political bullshit, time and energy spent on a routine, music, etc weigh in.
I know I'll never go anywhere in the sport, but it just seems like as time goes by it becomes more and more absurdly expensive to compete. At the Southern States the Entry Fee was $180 and an NPC card is $100!! That's almost $300 and you haven't done shit!!

This year will be my last, unless things go very well for me.
Compete at bodybuilding? Why? Id rather compete at something where you actually have to learn skills, developing fast twitch muscles and endurance, To me thats competing. Ive found over the years is that having large muscles is completely useless.

you just said developing fast twitch muscles and endurance??? the slow twitch are the endurance fibers
ive always wanted to compete. alot of poeple tell me i should, but in my head i just dont think im big enough, i mean its a muscle contest and i dont want to be on stage unless im a big heavy weight. that and my confodince is in the toilet alot of the time.
To answer this original question, I no longer compete because I know that I'm entirely too small to compete at my height and until I'm at least a welter, I'll never step foot on stage again. I don't like doing something unless I have a shot at winning, whether it be my class and/or the overall