Why GH and China don't mix...

China olympics were jacked on GH and EPO. Anabolic use was halted prior to the games timed to time of undetection. EPO is undetectable after 6 hours. Im not just talking about chinese athletes but many took advantage of the loose laws.

Both GH and EPO increase red blood cells which and we know red blood cells carry oxygen and therefore help athletes accomplish greater athleticism.

I doubt china will execute anyone but it's basically PR.

It really doesnt matter. If china was truely to uphold that type of law the scientist would simply head out to europe or latin america to continue business.

Speaking of the Olympics I was blown away by the chinese gymnast. They were 11-13 years old with fake ID. Natia leukin of the U.S. looked 6ft tall but she's only 5'3" . The chinese girls average 4'1". Thats a great advantage when your center of gravitiy is much lower than your competition in games of balance.
Well don't go shooting the messenger....

Im not sure if you guys thought the point behind this is that there are no legit GH kits coming out of China, because that wasn't the idea behind this thread....

And China does some crazy stuff over there in forms of its sanctions or what we would call our criminal justice system...I don't know what the reality is , but its a pretty interesting topic, the regulations of pharmaceuticals over there.

Ya true it just made for the Black market but this all the Generic GH,here is another pic...
that "hardcore hgh" is garbage! and why does the "Hardcore HGH" picture file say its an "hcg.jpg" lmao
Thats a fitting mistake because some believe it to be as good as HCG when it comes to expecting GH results.
Yeah tony certainly does a great job of digging up those pics.......I really like the pics of somatropin........You have any nutropin pics?
Yeah tony certainly does a great job of digging up those pics.......I really like the pics of somatropin........You have any nutropin pics?

No nutropin pics,but i have other gh pick lets see what i can load up,i get all my pics from outlawmuscle.Do you want me to have hcg at the bottle of the pics so you guys feel better haha.
Okay maybe this gh is fake haha,all china stuff is crap haha.
Couple of corrections for you folks.

1. Genuine HGH is still made in China. The product formally known as Jin...... is re- badged and sold legally by prescription only. A Checked fact. Given the high levels of corruption, which China is slowly working to reduce, it is conceivable that some of this product might make it's way onto the black market - although I have no evidence to support this, and would never trust a supplier claiming to be selling real Jin.

2. According to Amnesty International, of the 1,252 confirmed executions in 25 countries worldwide, at least 470 people were executed in China during 2007. The exact number is a state secret, and unofficial figures are much higher(1). Not surprisingly, there are concerns over the fairness of some trials, and of course human rights issues. A couple of interesting points here. One, a high profile government official to be executed in recent times was Zheng Xiaoyu, former director of China's F.D.A. Secondly, the fact that the families of executed criminals have been known to be charged a 'bullet fee' for the said execution. Nice eh?

Quick non-related rant from me: A high profile, but undiscussed feature of the Beijing Olympics that truly sickened me, was the amazing high tech centerpiece, the main Olympic arena, National Stadium. A truly magnificent structure of unprecedented technical, engineering and architectural magnitude; in essence, walls of giant T.V screens enclosing the world's largest steel structure. At a cost of $420 million U.S, I couldn't help but wonder how many bowls of rice that might provide for the hundreds of millions of chinese without electricity, safe drinking water, indoor plumbing or education greater than the ability to read a few prescribed texts(2). All this from a 'socialist' country with a global trade surplus of $102 billion U.S in 2005, and a trade surplus with the U.S of $206.1 billion U.S in the same year(3). Kinda took the edge off some of the spectacle for me.

Having said that, I am also not ignorant to the massive task of credible reform taking place in China on every level. It's easy to pick on China, but easy also to recognise the size and magnitude of the job ahead for that great nation, in addition to the factual positives that they have also achieved in such a short span of modern history. It's just that that bloody great half a billion dollar Olympic bird's nest bothered me somewhat. A bit like setting up a banquet fit for a king, in the middle of starving refugee camp. Not what I call 'in good taste' to put it mildly.

O.K. Rant over. Please don't follow up with any form of 'China bashing'. That wasn't at all my intent. Nor was it to hijack this thread - so on that note... ;)

Peace and Good Health. ( And a big hello to our respected and admired friends in China :) )

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_the_People's_Republic_of_China#cite_note-1
2. http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/5210
3. http://www.factmonster.com/country/profiles/china.html
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GH is flowing from Honk Kong like water from a tap. Cheaper than ever!!!!!!!!!!!! GH is big business and all businesses in China pay the gov't to operate, no matter what anyone says. I have been there and seen it with my own eyes. China banning GH is like the US banning alcohol, aint gonna happen. That being said, press releases and tabloid news are for the political minded, not the realists. Trust your sources.
It's also sad that china uses coal as the main energy source and they use primitive mining techniques. They use about 12 miners to do what one american minor does to acomplish the same task. They loose hundreds of not thousands of mining workers because of primitive mining technology,

Human rights in china is not a primary concern.....yet.

The Chinese government is a financial, political and military super power but the people there arent benefiting from it.

However I cant complain when it comes to GH we get some great stuff at great prices from them.
Someone dug up a seriously old thread lol, congrats...But yes, it's possible to buy real stuff these days, just gotta pay for it