Why not just more Test?


MuscleChemistry member
We have all done it and see it also. Cycles that have Test, with Deca, EQ, etc.. But why not just up the dose on Test insted of adding in other compounds? Im mainly talking about for just adding on size, a bulking cycle, etc..

Your thoughts?

I am too inexperienced to have an answer but that's an interesting question. Hope there's some good replies.
from my experience, deca and eq provide me minimal gains. most orals provide big side effects. i mainly use test for that reason. if funds provide, i'll add tren.
I posed this same question about a week and a half ago in another thread...I think the answer, when not preping for a show, it just test test test.
I think the answer is partially that some compounds provide anabolism via different pathways therefore stacking certain aas provide synergism. I think this has been well established. Also for a contest it's not just size but a look that one is trying to achieve, but yes for sheer size?...test only or test/tren or test/deca I don't think it need be more complicated than that
i tried that approach last winter with good results, but there's a point where the bloody noses, headaches, achy joints, and hot flashes become more annoying than they're worth......i've found that 2.5g/wk of test is where i finally get messes up some
I think the answer is partially that some compounds provide anabolism via different pathways therefore stacking certain aas provide synergism. I think this has been well established. Also for a contest it's not just size but a look that one is trying to achieve, but yes for sheer size?...test only or test/tren or test/deca I don't think it need be more complicated than that

This theory has been questioned for some time now. It's rare that you pick up an issue of MD and not find at least one of the writers/experts questioning the so-called synergistic effects of 'stacking.' When off season, it appears that test and GH might be the only thing a BBr needs. Pre-contest is a little bit different however.

So, stacking might not be what it's been made out to be for so long. Then again, the docs and theorists could have this wrong too. Only God knows!
As mentioned high doses of test just kick my ass. I find I'm able to make the same gains on a much lower dose if I add Deca or Tren in. I'm sure its different for everyone. For instance, I doubt too many can do 3g of test with no AI and not get gyno. I can and did.
Guys, I'm no Bill Liewellyn here but the basic androgen/adrogenic properties come into play as well as many other factors. Your question could mean that, why have 20 different diabetic drugs. Why not just one?? Same goes for Congestive Heart Failure, why not have 1 diuretic or 1 angiotensin renin blocker?? It's b/c they all bind differently to the cells (target) and elicite a different respone, while the response might be similiar but it some cases very different. The cascade event which includes satelite cells and creating a positive nitrogen balance at all times. Side effects can be a bitch on some of these. I like Test around 1gm per week and d-bol as my builder maybe with a splash of anadrol if my body could handle it. Some love the halotest or tren for the grainy look, mainly evades the sodium/potassium pump issues (water). Maybe pick-up an old biochem book from a graduate level university and it will tell you more than you need. You can PM if needed. And Yes, BB drugs do have that wonderful synergism effect which can help you lower some doses when stacked. Sorry to ramble. Later guys
I like just running test, I've not really found anything to compliment it with too great of results other than tren and that has it's drawbacks so I don't want to run that too much.
I get way worse sides if I use high doses of test as opposed to say my new current favorite bulker, which consists of:

1g Test E
500mg Tren E
400mg Deca
50mg Anadrol
50mg Dbol

I just don't see test ever really being able to provide these gains, not to mention if I exceed 1500mg of Test a week, my blood pressure SKY ROCKETS, and additionally, I get horrible nosebleeds on a frequent basis.

I agree with Dude, Irish, and Sarcoplasm to some extent.
wow I had no idea so many people experienced less sides by lowering test and adding different compunds. Good to know.

I really like the test/tren combo, that's my next plan but i'll be adding GH to the mix this go round
wow I had no idea so many people experienced less sides by lowering test and adding different compunds. Good to know.

I really like the test/tren combo, that's my next plan but i'll be adding GH to the mix this go round

Yeah, Im having some great growth gains with the HGH, at 5 iu's EOD...and IGF at 80mcg's EOD.. (each 3 x week)...Plan is to continue to up the HGH all the way up to 10 iu's 2-3 x a week...

this method seems to really be working well, cause my weight as of yesterday was 270lbs...Pretty crazy for me....Im also working up to doing 1 gram of test, and using parabolan but at a low dose...until I get use to it more...
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Tried 2gs for about 2 weeks and had to stop because of killer headaches from BP...I know a local guy who placed 6 and 7 at the jr nationals and jr usa's in seperate years that weighs sound 250-260 contest time....talking candidly with me one time he admitted to taking 500mg-1000mgs a day of test....(on top of a few other things gh, tren, dbol)...I have no idea how he handled that much

For me 1-1.5 grams is the sweet spot....I'd much rather take a gram of test, 500 primo, and 50 anadrol a day vs 2gs of test for gaining size
Tried 2gs for about 2 weeks and had to stop because of killer headaches from BP...I know a local guy who placed 6 and 7 at the jr nationals and jr usa's in seperate years that weighs sound 250-260 contest time....talking candidly with me one time he admitted to taking 500mg-1000mgs a day of test....(on top of a few other things gh, tren, dbol)...I have no idea how he handled that much

For me 1-1.5 grams is the sweet spot....I'd much rather take a gram of test, 500 primo, and 50 anadrol a day vs 2gs of test for gaining size

yeah thats what gets me..is how can certain guys take 500-1 Gram of test per week, along with other AAS...and not have high BP or kidney failure, heart failure, ect, ect....Crazy, how some guys can just handle it all....:drooling: