I think it may have been here on MC that I read how sickening it is that these marginal lifters come into the weight room, bench 135, then get a selfie of themselves under the bar....or post a vid somewhere. When I was in the NPC Midwest a while back, the Illinois NPC chairman, Chuck Sanow, a pro BB in his 50's, gave his rant speech to all us competitors to quit bragging on FB about how great you are (you aren't), get your ass in the gym and train. Since he was also the promotor, he refused to just give a trophy to all the competitors for showing up....old school, like he is (a gym owner and a Chicago Fireman,, south side no less) I liked his 'tude.
The down and dirty gritty "grind it out" workout is being replaced by wussy sessions, barely qualifying as a workout. I see so many folks coming into my gym after printing out their little magic bullet workout usually involving some new fangled light version of a serious session. Like I said in an article I wrote, you wanna hit those stabilizers? With a ball? Really? How about try deep ass to grass squats instead? 4 sets of those are much better than an hour of rolling around some over-inflated beach ball!!
Rant over