Why wont my calves respond?!?!


New member
I have done everything I can think of to get them to grow (mom has good calves but dad is built like me; strong but not overly muscular). The rest of me is growing but they are staying the same. I have tried heavy weight, low reps. Light weight, high reps. 5x5, DC, dropsets. I have tried every exercise that I know (standing, seated, leg press, single leg...) but with no success. I just dont want to look like that guy that only trains their upper body. Any suggestions?
i noticed a little growth in my calves when i held the last few reps for 5 secs. like if i did standing calf raises for 15 reps and i held reps 10 thru 15 for about 5 seconds (or as long as i could bear). i did this technique for a few months and had noticable differance. with calves i believe its about pain threshhold bcuz ur constantly using them
Years.... heavy weight, focus on them when doing cardio, and I've done syntherol and IGF.
Sounds like me and my quads. Just gotta pound them and keep on pounding them.
i tried streching, and it helped lengthen the fasia of the muscle....... been doing it for about 2 months now.... then going to volumize for a month or so, then switch back
i have the smallest calfs, and monster quads....I dont even work out legs any more lol....But heres the deal, did you ever play sports? If so what kind. I made it pretty far in my amature athletic carrer and have been evaluated many times by doctors, and scientists that are specifically recruited to evaluate talent, body chemistry, and a variety of other things. Long story short, I asked one of the docs one day, why dont my calf grow like my other body parts? He told me through my entire life of doing my sport I developed my fast twitch muscles to the point where my calfs will be like this forever. It makes alot of scense, If i were doing slow, heavy movements with my calfs they would probably be thicker, however I allways engagued my fast twitch muscles in order to do my sport. I dont really care though, they are skinny but striated with veins all over them, and I can calf raise more than anyone I know....So thats my story, hope it helps.
i have the smallest calfs, and monster quads....I dont even work out legs any more lol....But heres the deal, did you ever play sports? If so what kind. I made it pretty far in my amature athletic carrer and have been evaluated many times by doctors, and scientists that are specifically recruited to evaluate talent, body chemistry, and a variety of other things. Long story short, I asked one of the docs one day, why dont my calf grow like my other body parts? He told me through my entire life of doing my sport I developed my fast twitch muscles to the point where my calfs will be like this forever. It makes alot of scense, If i were doing slow, heavy movements with my calfs they would probably be thicker, however I allways engagued my fast twitch muscles in order to do my sport. I dont really care though, they are skinny but striated with veins all over them, and I can calf raise more than anyone I know....So thats my story, hope it helps.

Same here bro....I have high calves genetically and between playing basketball and football most if not all my life they've basically stayed the same no matter how hard I train...I notice sometimes when I do calf raises I bounce so much where I'm used to it I use my achilles tendon more than focus on the muscle itself.....A good technique someone gave me though was 20 reps donkey calf raises with someone on ur back, 20 reps seated with ur heels pointed outward and then 20 standing calf raises...may just work for you
ditto the high reps. When im on stair climber i use the ball of my foot and let the heal hang. put an inch on my calves super quick.
i have the smallest calfs, and monster quads....I dont even work out legs any more lol....But heres the deal, did you ever play sports? If so what kind. I made it pretty far in my amature athletic carrer and have been evaluated many times by doctors, and scientists that are specifically recruited to evaluate talent, body chemistry, and a variety of other things. Long story short, I asked one of the docs one day, why dont my calf grow like my other body parts? He told me through my entire life of doing my sport I developed my fast twitch muscles to the point where my calfs will be like this forever. It makes alot of scense, If i were doing slow, heavy movements with my calfs they would probably be thicker, however I allways engagued my fast twitch muscles in order to do my sport. I dont really care though, they are skinny but striated with veins all over them, and I can calf raise more than anyone I know....So thats my story, hope it helps.

I played hockey but I was goalie so there wasnt a whole lot of movement. More powerfull side to side moves than straight away.

I have started doing higher reps...10 rest for 5, 15 rest for 10, 25 rest for 15, and then back down...so about 75 reps 2-3 sets.
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