I wanted to let you guys know about one of the hardest working ladies that I know. My wife. Over the last 15 years or so she has been slammed with one thing after another. The doctors kept putting her on more and more meds and she gained a lot of weight. Well last September, she said enough is enough and decided to take her health into her own hands and take her life back.
She has had injuries and hasn't' been able to hit the gym the way that she wants but she has stuck to her diet like no one I have ever seen. She is unreal strong and puts on muscle faster than any guy I have ever seen. I have personally seen her leg press 650 pounds for reps and sets.
She has used selected peptides to deal with IBS issues and this has really helped with her digestion and cut the bloating way down. I am so proud of her and everything that she has been able to do.