will be judging my first show in April


MuscleChemistry member
Will be interesting how this goes, as I will have people in the show that I prepped for it. But I will be fair. :satan:
Congrats Nuk.. But for some reason I no you will be fair. You seem like a straight up good dude. Good luck brother.
congrats nuk

do your clients know you are a judge? i hope they dont expect you to just give it to them. i see you as a nice guy pretty laid back but wondering if your a hard ass on clients?
some know, but I will tell them all. Im pretty hard on them, the newbies are the hardest to deal with, because they think they are better than what they are, but once they do one show and see how it is they mellow out some. When doing local shows, everybody just thinks only local people are going to do the show, so they think they know who their competition, lol!

But yeah I tell them like it is, even had one bikini girl that trained her ass off for Nationals and one week out I had to tell her she wasnt ready and would not place well, so she backed out.