Winnie vs Var Real World exps.


New member
Can someone explain the different actions of Var as opposed to winnie. I`m interested in real world experiance. From reading different profiles they seem similar.

I know var is a bit spendy but is it worth it

In otherwords what is each best suited for?

Example: Strength and lean muscle growth of each. Is one more toxic to the liver than the other? Sides of each?
What are they best suited for.

I found Var at a "reasonable" price and would like to know the pro`s and cons of each? I`m older than most and the joint pain I hear about Winnie is kind of a turn-off.

Both seem similar in profiles I`ve read except Var seems to have an edge in muscle developement.

Someone please in laymans term indicate the differences for me.

Are they run similar lenghts? what about comparable doses?
I see many run Winnie at 50ED what about Var at optimum(sp) dosage?

Help me out Bro`s. Skoooool me. Thanks DOUBLE J
Not a Var vet however I have run Winny(depot) 2x for the last 5/6 weeks of Test based cycles and it did harden me up(vascularity) as far as muscle mass I believe that the Test was better. Bit expensive all things considered. My .02
var is great if you have the $$ to use it, you can also tay on it longer than winy (does'nt mess with your joints) but I still like winny for cost vs. results
Var is great and the strength gains you get off it are incrediable! Doesn't bloat like drol, doesn't dry your joints like winny.

Just as toxic as any other oral. 40-50mg ed effective dose. Expensive unless you can find good quality from an underground lab.

If you use var stack it with creatine. All roids expand creatine stores but var more than most. Also var is good for "belly fat" in that it targets it.