Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

Started out Winny/Anavar cycle

right now I am at 50mg Var, 30mg Tbol, 30mg winny

Not too keen on any cycle that doesnt have testosterone in it. But thats a personal prefrence i suppose!

How you liking the turinabol tbol
Not too keen on any cycle that doesnt have testosterone in it. But thats a personal prefrence i suppose!

How you liking the turinabol tbol

I normally don't use test when I run a lot of other compounds. It all ends up aromatizing. Especially Tren. I run tren alone or with a tiny dose of test.

My natural test levels stay up while I am on usually.I have huge problems when I run more test than tren. I know it is opposite for most people.

I am liking the T-bol a lot. It really feels like it has those D-bol style pumps, which I love. Seems like the compounds are really complimenting each other.

I have lost 2% BF so far. Gained about 6lbs of LBM. Lost an inch and a half off of my waist. Definition is looking great. Excited to see that the addition of T-bol does to my muscularity.

Board sponsor came through with these products,very legit. So they are working well together.
I normally don't use test when I run a lot of other compounds. It all ends up aromatizing. Especially Tren. I run tren alone or with a tiny dose of test.

My natural test levels stay up while I am on usually.I have huge problems when I run more test than tren. I know it is opposite for most people.

I am liking the T-bol a lot. It really feels like it has those D-bol style pumps, which I love. Seems like the compounds are really complimenting each other.

I have lost 2% BF so far. Gained about 6lbs of LBM. Lost an inch and a half off of my waist. Definition is looking great. Excited to see that the addition of T-bol does to my muscularity.

Board sponsor came through with these products,very legit. So they are working well together.

Yeah im in fAvor of more Testosterone than tren when stacking the two in a cycle. The turinabol is on point by sounds of it! I know a lot of tbol going around is just dinanabol . Somethings never change lol
They are so close it would be hard to tell. For me though , dbol gives me puffy nips until I'm off. This hasn't so far so fingers crossed.
Methyl 1 test
Both insanely powerful. I bought methyl one test off the shelf when it was legal.

I won a lottery on here once. Gift was a bottle of m1t. Unbelievably it made it through Australian customs... It was probably the best oral I have done.
4 weeks left

Set the T-Bol aside and saved it for the last week of 8.

50mg Var / 50 winny

I agree now that the full potential is not realized so I will be adding 300mg mast and 300 mg test prop respectively.
winnie makes my ast/alt levels go up dramatically and I get that shredded look ( very grainy, very vieny). Maybe the Var and Tbol I got weren't good ( both came from very reliable sources, but neither one ( Tbol or Var) did much. ( can't remember the dosages, but they were similar to my normal 50mg/ED of winny)

Anyone able to shed some light on this?
winnie makes my ast/alt levels go up dramatically and I get that shredded look ( very grainy, very vieny). Maybe the Var and Tbol I got weren't good ( both came from very reliable sources, but neither one ( Tbol or Var) did much. ( can't remember the dosages, but they were similar to my normal 50mg/ED of winny)

Anyone able to shed some light on this?

I don't "feel" much from Var either . No matter what brand. I notice two things with it though. Good var can make you get bubble guts . It makes you heat up. Definitely a mood enhancer. Hardly any pumps.

The two things I always notice with Tbol are:
Baby Dbol pumps. I love it. Not too much , like those skin rippers like on Dbol. Also increased endurance.

Enhanced social mood . Maybe increased social communication. Definitely can be positive or negative.
I don't "feel" much from Var either . No matter what brand. I notice two things with it though. Good var can make you get bubble guts . It makes you heat up. Definitely a mood enhancer. Hardly any pumps.

The two things I always notice with Tbol are:
Baby Dbol pumps. I love it. Not too much , like those skin rippers like on Dbol. Also increased endurance.

Enhanced social mood . Maybe increased social communication. Definitely can be positive or negative.

maybe ill try Tbol and tren on the next kills endurance the other increases it. Anyone have any luck with these two (I am sure other things were added like Test)?