Winny/Var/T-bol Cut Cycle

maybe ill try Tbol and tren on the next kills endurance the other increases it. Anyone have any luck with these two (I am sure other things were added like Test)?

I have never stacked them together, but I love the dry gains from tbol. I had no stomach issues with it
I don't "feel" much from Var either . No matter what brand. I notice two things with it though. Good var can make you get bubble guts . It makes you heat up. Definitely a mood enhancer. Hardly any pumps.

The two things I always notice with Tbol are:
Baby Dbol pumps. I love it. Not too much , like those skin rippers like on Dbol. Also increased endurance.

Enhanced social mood . Maybe increased social communication. Definitely can be positive or negative.

Turinabol increases endurance?

MuscleChemistry Staff Writer