Wish me luck - Big Update

Thank you guys for the support. Final tests are done. I've got some good nerve damage in my right side, but the Dr said that because of bodybuilding I haven't noticed the decreased strength. Doesn't make sense to me as I was training until maybe 6 weeks ago and didn't notice any loss if strength that I can recall.
He said the results of the Nerve study weren't very good, but said he'll let my Dr explain them to me fully. I don't go back to the surgeon until the middle of next month (first available appt) to schedule surgery.
I was told the I have Cervical Stenosis. Laymens terms is I don't have enough space between my spinal cord and vertebra. Any impact or sudden jerking things like that could leave me a quadriplegic. I don't know what's going to happen as this is all work related, but the Surgeon said that sedentary desk work is about all there is for me. They can't fix the actual issue, only the symptoms. He also said I will likely need a second procedure in the future. Hope I can find a new job with good health insurance.
Hard to look for the good in this. Dude, if you wernt in the shape you are in, think how much worse it would be for you.
The main thing I can suggest is, and this may sound weird, but work on your mind until you can work on your body again.
Start reading something to keep your mind in a good strong place. Mabey meditate to work on keeping your mind strong
to endure the time you are down. May sound out there but there is something to it. Stay strong bro.
The Dude. I am in the legal biz, but I know next to nothing about employment law. I don't understand how you can lose your job if you were injured in the "course and scope" of your employment. Unless you were injured as a result of gross negligence on the part of your employer, your only recourse is to file a Worker's Comp case and get a monetary award based on the percentage of disability caused by your accident. Also, it is my understanding that your employer can't terminate you, but must give you a position that accomodates your disability.
Hard to look for the good in this. Dude, if you wernt in the shape you are in, think how much worse it would be for you.
The main thing I can suggest is, and this may sound weird, but work on your mind until you can work on your body again.
Start reading something to keep your mind in a good strong place. Mabey meditate to work on keeping your mind strong
to endure the time you are down. May sound out there but there is something to it. Stay strong bro.

Its funny you mention this. I was on the phone with CH3N02 yesterday for near an hour as I was really down. He suggested the same thing so I'm going to be looking for some books in interested in today
The Dude. I am in the legal biz, but I know next to nothing about employment law. I don't understand how you can lose your job if you were injured in the "course and scope" of your employment. Unless you were injured as a result of gross negligence on the part of your employer, your only recourse is to file a Worker's Comp case and get a monetary award based on the percentage of disability caused by your accident. Also, it is my understanding that your employer can't terminate you, but must give you a position that accomodates your disability.

That is correct, but my employer doesn't care. They have done this to others. They give you two years to recover from the date of injury and return to your old position or you are fired. Some sue and are successful, but they go several months to a year unemployed. I do have some options before then, but none are guarantees. I have some things I'm working on and I'll know how they turn out after my surgery. Fortunately I'm still safe in the two year window so I should have plenty of time to work on things before they can terminate me.
My understanding is that Workers Comp can only be sued for the cost of future medical expenses. This is how my lawyer explained it to me. Since I will require a second fusion in the future they use that as a starting point. A fusion with all the accompanying tests is like 225k. So a settlement will be based on that amount. Not that I expect to see anything near that, but it had better be close since I'll need it and may not have medical insurance at that time
It sucks that they can treat you like that, dude...especially if your job is what I think it is. Hang in there, we are all praying for you and Silk.
Everything is set. I go for surgery on the 15th of Jan. They are going to remove the damaged disks and put in titanium spacers and bolts between the vertebra. Surgeon said I might be able to get back in the gym and rehab at 3 weeks post surgery. He said it could take up to 8 months for the nerve damage to improve so I'm hoping some IGF can speed that up.
After the surgery I can moved forward with the rest of this and I hope there aren't too many points to argue. The Surgeon said he would handle any issues with my employer trying to argue my Pension benefits as he says there's nothing to argue.
Once that is done we are packing up and pretty much just making a new start of it. Exciting but also pretty scary. Neither of us have ever moved far from our safety nets so its a little nerve racking.