woman or gear

1FitChica said:
Smack down is right! Easy fo sheezy noeleezy! LOL!!

noeleezy?????? LMFAO!

Anyway, normal ,it doesnt seem like you can win with this young lady in any aspect. Time for you to find a swinger that loves steroids.
should i change my screen name to noeleezy ? chica you crack me up . lol
dont find a swinger, but do find someone that loves when your on, cause that do be some good sex !!
you all need to lighten up a little bit :moon:
you really think that someone could be serious with the bullshit posts that I put up-it's dark humor-very dark at that
I didn't see them put Rob Zombie in prison for making House of 1000 Corpses
Humor is always a good thing.
Noel, I started a thread i would like you to check out and give your opinions on. It pertains to this very subject and a conversation Dorian and i had.

Read that one. LOL. To be honest, though, I've never cheated on either of my wives. Just about 1 thing I've done right. My wife now knows about the gear and she's ok with it. Doesn't threaten to leave, because if she did, the door would close on her ass. LOL
dude are you a tramp lineman or do you stay mostly in your backyard, because most of the tramps that I know have been divorced multiple times
and if you've had the same woman for all these years then you have a good one :thumbsup:
I'm a backyarder. Tramped a few times years ago. On my second marriage for 5 years. First marriage lasted 18 years. Yea, bro, she's a good one this time.
you got luck man that's one of the reasons that I'm not ever getting married, know too many brothers that have gotten screwed over
I think I’d choose the gear at this point in my life.

I’d take time to educate her to the subject. I’d also take her along with me to the doctor (the director of sports medicine for my university’s sports) who would confirm what I had already told her.

If she were the least bit intelligent she would understand the benefits outweigh the risks when used properly. If she still objected, I’d wish her the best and send her on her way.
agree 100% Sandiego, and that's the way it should be
one of my exgirlfriends had such a problem with it, but she was overweight
ate junk food never exercised-but I'm the one destroying my body? PLEASE
ehh, she put on 30lbs in the 2 years we were seeing each other, but in her defense it was all hips, tits, and thighs...none of this puss gut shit
dude I need to find me a big bitch, one that will have my back in a bar fight
I mean one that will climb over me to get to the fight
a damn linebacker that can take a pounding like A MAN!!! : :laugh: laugh: :laugh:
no dumb ass ARE YOU QUEER posts that was joke people!