women and accutane


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
hey guys,

my girl has always had acne problems, but didnt go to the doctor cause she never had insurance....and still doesn't.

what dose, if any, is good for a female? This stuff is fairly easy to get w/o a script and I think it might help her since she's never tried anything but OTC crap. Genetically, its horrible in her family.

I also know accutane can have strong sides, hence why Im asking about dosage her. Some sides are okay considering the severity of her acne.
Not Sure Ill Bump Ya But I Had The Gel Accutane And It Was Incredible As A Topical
Just be careful with the stuff. My son has taken it several times and the doc has emphasized that there better be no change whatsoever that he might get a girl pregnant because it causes terrible birth defects. Now to obtain it legally there has to be bloodwork because it raises their red bloodcell count and finally the kids have to register with a group that makes sure they know they absolutely cannot have sex. Then there is the issue about some having suicide issues. Although it is rare, there have been enough instances that there have been major changes in prescribing it. Just throwing it in here because it is serious and there should be no sex during the time taking it. It also takes quite a while after taking it for it to get out of the system. On the other hand it cleared my sons face and body up to perfect skin. he had to take on pill a day for a week and then one in the morning and one at night for about two months.
OneBigDog said:
Just be careful with the stuff. My son has taken it several times and the doc has emphasized that there better be no change whatsoever that he might get a girl pregnant because it causes terrible birth defects. Now to obtain it legally there has to be bloodwork because it raises their red bloodcell count and finally the kids have to register with a group that makes sure they know they absolutely cannot have sex. Then there is the issue about some having suicide issues. Although it is rare, there have been enough instances that there have been major changes in prescribing it. Just throwing it in here because it is serious and there should be no sex during the time taking it. It also takes quite a while after taking it for it to get out of the system. On the other hand it cleared my sons face and body up to perfect skin. he had to take on pill a day for a week and then one in the morning and one at night for about two months.

I can get it w/o a script, and thats how I would go about it. So figured I would ask first. Well, me and her not having sex just isnt an option. Im on right now, and no sex isnt even an option when Im off and on PCT. But her chances of pregnancy are slim to none (I dont even know if Im fertile, Ive had ALOT of close calls with a "variety" of girls and nothing yet).

body2see said:
I'd try between 10mgs and 20mgs per day....she should be fine on that....

Accutane cleared me unbelieveably, but the side effects were beyond terrible. Specifically insomnia, dry lips, bone and joint aches that were unbearable, etc, etc......
thanks, I told her that she may not like it cause the sides could be worse than the results. But I know it drives her nuts. I'll talk to her about it and will definitely start her off slow. How long does it take for results? 2wks, 1month? how long should it be run max?

thx again guys