working nights can i still grow?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Does any body know if having your day flipped can mess up your bodies way of growing or functioning?

i have to work nights a week out of the month, so i sleep from 6am till 230 pm, i wake up and eat then train an hour later then go towork at 6pm. does the body recognize a change like this?
I would imagine if you can feel the change then it would affect your body building as well. It may not be a huge set back, but it may throw off your lifting and growth a bit. When I'm really tired my workouts suffer and I just don't lift as heavy as I normally do.
I would agree that it will throw you off but prolly just at first, im sure you would or could get use to it and then i dont think you would see much by way of negative set backs
It's all about your mindset bro. I have to do it regularly well its unexpected, but works out to at least once a month. If you stress about it, it will hinder you. If you roll with it, you will be totally fine
right on thanks guys, im gonna do my best trying to take my body to the next level. ive just been worried about working nights messing up my goals. thanks again
Does any body know if having your day flipped can mess up your bodies way of growing or functioning?

i have to work nights a week out of the month, so i sleep from 6am till 230 pm, i wake up and eat then train an hour later then go towork at 6pm. does the body recognize a change like this?

at my biggest and best shape i was working steady 3rd shift. 10pm-8am. Sleep 9-330pm. Train 7-8pm, then go to work...Best condition of my life
I've been working nights now for almost a year now.. And I'm in the worst shape of my life.. I just can't get the mojo back..
Sometimes working nights affords you to train at less busy times and eat better during the day. I worked night shifts about 4 months out of the year at a old job. Sucks, but you get used to it.