workouts that you never forget.


Gold Member
Most of mine are leg workouts. They usually end with me puking my guts out.

I recall a heavy leg day that had us doing squats first. I worked my way up to 630lbs for 4 reps. That set ended with me on the floor flat on back gasping for air and seeing stars, it was great. Next was leg press drop sets. These are a love-hate relationship, love the results hate to do them. On the 3rd set of triple drops I lost it, finding myself gripping the toilet for next 10 minutes. I did finish the workout ending with lunges on the smith machine, I had to slow the pace abit to keep from puking again though. I have more that I will share later.

Share some of your memorable workout, regardless of bodypart.
I have a few that I will never forget. I took about a year off after I got out of school. And I did nothing but party for about a year. Well, when I finnaly got motivated enough to get back in the gym, I ended up doing a cycle of sust and dbol. Everything was going good untill the day came for me to workout my legs again for the first time in a year or so. At the Ballys I was a member at, they had the free weights downstairs. Well I started legs off with some light streching and a few sets each of leg curls and leg exstentions., wich were up stairs. So I got done that and decided that I'm feeling like superman from the dbols, so I went downstairs to where the leg press and squat rack is and totaly did a blowout workout on squats. After a couple more sets at leg presses I decided that was enough and tried to make my way back up stairs to do a little ab work on the leg raise and ab machine. I actualy had to stop working my legs because the pump was getting so bad that I was cramping up and it started to hurt like hell. Needless to say, I took about 2 steps up and had to reach for the railing to keep from falling on my ass. I actualy had to get my brother to help me back up the stairs. The week following that was the most painfull week of my whole time lifting. I could barely walk for a week. It sucked pretty bad.
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Seems like it is always the leg workouts like those that are the best. Gotta love 'em.
Seems I forgot to mention the sorness after that workout. I trained in the afternoon and I remember getting up the next morning and getting out of bed. As I got up I tried to stand and I literally feel down from the shock of the pain. Needless to say the next few days were rough.
Leg workouts where I couldn't even walk out of the gym, back workouts that almost left me Shrugs, squat, leg pressing with extremely heavy weight. Many workouts I wont forget. The back workout that fucked me up was a scary one. I had perfect form and I irritated an already herniated disc in my back which pressed down on a nerve that left my whole lower half numb. It was scary and weird. It went away after some rest and ice but still haunts me to this day.
I had one calf workout that left them so sore, I almost couldn't put my feet down when I got out of bed because they were so sore. I remember it took about a week for the soreness to diminish to the point I could walk without major discomfort, but we survived, and my calves are larger for it.
I have a bicep workout like that , i know it sounds funny but it was my first bi workout after using igf and my biceps for the first time looked funny as fuck that big and pumped,lol
Presser said:
I have a bicep workout like that , i know it sounds funny but it was my first bi workout after using igf and my biceps for the first time looked funny as fuck that big and pumped,lol

Bie's are the one part that never gets that sore on me for some reason.
I use a sort of lever machine to do my squats (to save my knees), so you probably only get about 75-80% of the weight you load on it. I put 810 lbs on for 10 reps, and even at 75%, that is like squatting approximately 600. That was an awesome workout!
Another leg workout, 2 weeks ago, I started with presses, and did 10 plates on each side for 5 reps, then hacksquats 7 plates on each side(thats all it would hold), then extensions for 5 reps for almost the whole stack (230's), and followed it up with calves(which I ve been neglecting), and stuck both quads the day before. It was really hard the next few days, because I was roofing for the whole week on an 8 pitch, and the house had 50 ft gable ends!