Wtf drugs are WWE wrestlers taking?

I am not sure if they are tested or not. Really to think about it they are probably not.
But if they are I bet they take short esters.
There is that netflix movie about ateroids.some guys brother is a wrestler and uses but it never says what.
Yeah pretty good podcast I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah that was my initial guess was test cyp or with with deca, slin and hgh. No point in them using anything that would cut them or make their joints feel shitty. I was mainly curious about how they stayed so large year round. Do they just stay on until their career is over? Who knows. I dont see much use for PCT when you have to preform almost every weekend. And a noticeable fluctuation in weight would be unappealing to fans

I just found out taylor normandeu died recently! did you know this? He was only like 30 years old. Maybe younger then that.
Those guys are genetic freaks...Bobby Lashley came in a gym I was managing one day and benched 405 no spot 12-14 reps like it was nothing
They are well connected and I am sure they can get a script for anything they want. If you get the right doc, you can get a script for almost anything. Not sure what the rules are within thier contract with WWE, but I would imagine a clause that exempts them if they have a script for something.............I have no personal knowledge, but most of these guys have money, are smart and are figure out the rest!!

You might be dead on, however If I had to guess, and that all it is really lol, but i would guess most of these guys get their shit just like the rest of you guys do, or at least those of you who buy it at the gym or an online pharmacy or something, and i would bet they all have it delivered to ""that friend"" who we all know so well, cause each of you has one I'm sure, or maybe you are ""that friend"" lmao You know the guy with nothing to lose, and who will get shit delivered to his grand moms house for you, just so he can get a bottle or two free, and say he is friends with you lol, Anyhow, ill bet most wrestlers who do use steroids on the circuit don't have doctors write scripts, and have or better yet Use friends to get the shit for them and take all the risk, and then just have their buddy mail it to them locally.

I can't imagine many of them would have HRT legal scripts,
A couple years ago sitting at the DMV a guy sits next to me and all I noticed was his thighs were bigger than my whole damn torso. Like each leg had two knees or something... Didn't realize until I got up to the window that it was John Cena. Dude looked rough in person but bigger than on TV.

As for Scott Steiner - he was def on more than HGH or Test. No way he'd get by in the post-Benoit testing era.


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Presser nailed it. Those guys don't live a real lavish lifestyle for the most part and they face the same challenges we do. Even some of the big names you see on TV seem to be barely making ends meet. I don't know what the pay is, but it's obviously not great. The couple guys I know we're probably makin 60 -70k TOPS... and they are big names. One BIG name guy was driving a Toyota Corrola a few years back... trying to keep the Repo man away...