You Be The Judge: '10 Tampa Pro Men's Open


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Let's here your Top 5 based off these pre-judging pics! (For some reason they called out 7 competitors for the final call-out, so they're kinda small in the pics)









I know the stage positioning kinda has Ben White in 1st, but I'm going with:
1. Troy Alves
2. Ben White
3. Jonnie Jackson
4. Ed Nunn
5. Brandon Curry
I'll go with Alves in First...and Big Ben White in Second...Ed Nunn in Third...Johnnie Jackson in Fourt...Brandon Curry in 5th
I have no idea. Thats a strong line up. Glad im not a judge for that show. LOOK how small Ed nunns waist is in the FDB shot!
I think this is the best I've ever seen Troy Alves.


I have no idea. Thats a strong line up. Glad im not a judge for that show. LOOK how small Ed nunns waist is in the FDB shot!

I concur!

Curry is a local guy here, I think he looks a lot worst than I expected. Shit, the mofo works with Hany (or at least was last time I talked to him)

1. Ben White
2. Troy Alves
3. Johnnie Jackson
4. Edward Nunn
5. Michael Kefalianos
6. Brandon Curry
7. Hidetada Yamagishi
8. Francisco Bautista
9. Mike Liberatore
10. Darrem Charles
11. Alexandre Nataf
12. Constantinos Demetriou
13. Omar Deckard
14. Manuel Romero
15. Jo Jo Ntiforo
16. Serdar Aktolga
16. Mark Antonek
16. Damaso Chacon
16. Oleg Emelyanov
16. Vonne Francis
16. Heinz Senior
16. Greg Ulysse
16. Manuel Lomeli
That's truly sad. I saw White, Alves, and Jackson.... they all got smoked by Bautista... I guess it really is all politics
I think Bautista looks good he is a MONSTER for sure, however Alves and Ben White both looked tighter with much smaller waistlines.

They looked better in my opinion.
That's truly sad. I saw White, Alves, and Jackson.... they all got smoked by Bautista... I guess it really is all politics

bro your smoking some serious crack if you think bautista had anything at all for them, I know its one thing to see pics and another thing to be there, however i have viewed all the pics and its not even questionable, bautista doesnt have the symetry and his waist is too thick, just my humblest of opinions lol
Ben White weighed in at 250lbs (or so) and was 20lbs heavier than last year..thats some killer gains
bro your smoking some serious crack if you think bautista had anything at all for them, I know its one thing to see pics and another thing to be there, however i have viewed all the pics and its not even questionable, bautista doesnt have the symetry and his waist is too thick, just my humblest of opinions lol

His waist was a little blocky... like Cutler, Ronnie, and the like, but he was carrying at least 20lbs more muscle and his condition smoked theirs! He dwarfed them. And Ben White?? We felt bad for him!! The photos look good... better than they did first hand. I think its bullshit and Dexter agreed. We sat with him. White was soft and had nothing but arm size Jackson looked good but couldn't hang with Bautista's size or conditioning. It looks to me like they picked the winners before anyone stepped onstage. I really wish they would pick a standard and fucking stick with it. Alves did look good, but what's the standard?
Alves was the first thought I had when I looked at these. His conditioning here s the best Ive ever seen him. You can look at his face and tell he's way leaner than he used to be.