You ever worry about long term risk of steroid use?

I think that everyone that has ever used it has wondered this...there just isn't enough research to know the long term effects

that being said what the compounds, the dosages, the person's genetic make up, etc
John Ramano once said, show me the bodies, if steroids were so dangerous so me the bodies
If someone doesn't think about it then they have no business doing it.

I only really lose sleep when running several compounds. I can't even have a beer without thinking about what may happen. Hell I've been in bed for days and had a fever last night and I was worried about taking too much Tylenol.
Ive been using on and off for 30 yrs, albeit I did take about 13 yrs off from 1991-2004 then the bug hit me. Although I dont have bloodwork done as often as I should, and bear in mind I use moderate dosages, (300 mg/wk) and was on moderate doages of GH for 6 yrs. I have seen only a slight increase in cholestrol and BP. Everything else indicates in the acceptable ranges, my liver values are a tad high which I try and keep under control w/milk thistle and old school liver tabs. But I haven;t drank in over 2 yrs which I'm sure is an asset

Its even debatable whether or not steroids have carcinigins. Many report they dont.
This is obviously heavily opinionated. My opinion is that everything is a risk. Most regular people take more risks than I do. I don't smoke. I rarely drink. I don't drink and drive. I have low bodyfat. I exercise and I have regular bloodwork. I don't worry about long term effects what so ever
I can honestly say that I've never thought about it. There's a few reasons why and I'll get into that. One reason is that I know you've gotta die from something so if I went around avoiding the activities that I love in fear of death, I'd be sitting at home like a hermit in a plastic bubble. I do what makes me happy, I've done many drugs in my short life and I don't regret any of it. I drink on occasion now (used to be out of control) and I've driven drunk COUNTLESS times without ever getting a DUI. So I can honestly say until I read this thread it has never crossed my mind because I quite often do things without thinking of the consequences and it's burned me a few times, but that's life. There might be a day when I'm older that I wish I had thought certain things through and want to kick myself, but until that day comes, I'm doing what makes me happy.