You guys ever watch bb vids before you train?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Im sitting here watching part of my set of Jay Cutler dvd's the old one new improved and beyond. God i wish i were bulking right now so i could go in and move some serious weight. Im going light weight for the next several weeks too so this will be torture.
My gym plays them at the juice bar area on the flat screen behind the counter, so i sit there and drink my hydroxy drink and watch the videos for a while, sometimes they motivate me, and sometimes they make me want to pack it in and go home,lmao
i dnt usually watch them before i train... but its always good to have it playin inside the sym, good motovation

i usually watch some vid's when im a week outta contest, helps keep me focused
Im sitting here watching part of my set of Jay Cutler dvd's the old one new improved and beyond. God i wish i were bulking right now so i could go in and move some serious weight. Im going light weight for the next several weeks too so this will be torture.

I watch Ronnie's vids before training when I'm on a heavy cycle and can move a lot of weight. I'll usually watch them on my phone in the parking lot.
I watch clips alot while I'm eating dinner before hitting up the gym... it's a good reminder of why I work so hard and how much harder I want to work to achieve the physique I desire.

Sometimes I'll just be looking for something new to mix into my routine or just need a kick in the ass. Either way, it helps!
Yeah I've got Jay Cutler J to Z, New Improved and Beyond, and All Access, Dorian Yates Blood and guts, Lee Priest The blonde Myth, and Branch Warren Train Insane.
damn so none of you get discouraged from watching these beasts,lol, I guess Im the only one ay lol
please bro, these guys in the bb video are fucking cartoon like, lol, and sometimes im like what the fuck is the point, ill never look like that!

That's the point. The hungriest of the pack are always the ones trying to beat the top dog. Seeing the development those guys have puts me in my place and reinforces that I'm not shit in the bodybuilding world. I like trying to catch up to the best in every aspect of life. You know what I mean?
Once in a while if I need a good pick me up ill go on youtube and type in branch warren and whatever bodypart im training. Dude is a beast. Believe it or not, a few months back when nuknuk put that biceps video up, I watched that before training bi's, no homo
please bro, these guys in the bb video are fucking cartoon like, lol, and sometimes im like what the fuck is the point, ill never look like that!
dude.............. If your saying that at a measly 6'2.5 (yeah i got your half inch), 280 lbs and ripped, where is the hope for small frys like myself?? Im gonna cry:cry::curse:
i like watching this one dexter lookin right in those back shots

I don't usually watch bb vids before I train, I'll watch a music video or two on my iPod and that's about it.