you kiss your mother with that mouth??


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
you know guys ive been really cutting down with cussing. i heard a woman the other day cussing down town, and she sounded so ugly, it seriuosly hurt my made my face go squishy.

then coinsidently i went to my moms house and started talking and i noticed i was cussing alot, i realized what i was saying and stopped. my mom swung at me and missed, and at the same time told me to stop cussing so much.

i think it reflects a persons inteligents and maturity. also shows good character i think. but im gonna make it a point to stop. no one wants to be around a big dumb asshole that cuss's.
Yeah for some reason women that cuss really turn me off and I'm sure vise versa for a woman to hear a man cuss.. It's kinda shows no intelligence or brain activity more than stupid..
Honestly the only time I cuss is here. This is the only place I can unwind and let my hair down. But yes hearing wen cuss is a turn off
admittedly i have a horrible cussing problem. i think its because i grew up on farm working with all the guys who had terrible mouths so i guess i started young. its really just a part of my vocabulary these days....i should prob stop since we have a little one around now and she picks up on everything...fuck its hard to stop though
Good job, bigz. I've cut down quite a bit the last few years. It hurts my ears now to hear someone say the F-word or GD.
What the hell does cussin have to do with inteligence????? That kinda pisses me off. We all come from diff walks of life and sometimes cussing is just part of the cards we were delt. Now that being said, I dnt drop Fbombs around children EVER!!!!! And if I do I instantly apologize. Now some old fckrs I purposely cuss like a sailorfor the simple fact they think they re better than everyone around them and I like knocking these people of of their imaginary pedistals. I dnt cuss all the time, just 90% of the time LOL!!!!! Now with women it all depends on what they are saying and what the circumstance is. I can understand being upset and pissed and freaking out a little, but when a woman throws the shit out there like a man that is a major turn off. Men are idiots so woman just expect it out of us. I have really turned down the cussing from what it used to be, but no one will ever tell me there isnt a place for me to tell someone to go fck them self when that person desreves it.....
What the hell does cussin have to do with inteligence????? That kinda pisses me off. We all come from diff walks of life and sometimes cussing is just part of the cards we were delt. Now that being said, I dnt drop Fbombs around children EVER!!!!! And if I do I instantly apologize. Now some old fckrs I purposely cuss like a sailorfor the simple fact they think they re better than everyone around them and I like knocking these people of of their imaginary pedistals. I dnt cuss all the time, just 90% of the time LOL!!!!! Now with women it all depends on what they are saying and what the circumstance is. I can understand being upset and pissed and freaking out a little, but when a woman throws the shit out there like a man that is a major turn off. Men are idiots so woman just expect it out of us. I have really turned down the cussing from what it used to be, but no one will ever tell me there isnt a place for me to tell someone to go fck them self when that person desreves it.....[/QUOTE

Well see I'm fukin stupid for sayin intelligence And I'm fukin smart a little.. Disregard that word dammit.. Why are us men fukin idiots? Lol.. Where's Pressers 2 cents on this.. I think we understand this cause we are in the construction industry and need correct words to get people to move their asses bro ..
What the hell does cussin have to do with inteligence????? That kinda pisses me off. We all come from diff walks of life and sometimes cussing is just part of the cards we were delt. Now that being said, I dnt drop Fbombs around children EVER!!!!! And if I do I instantly apologize. Now some old fckrs I purposely cuss like a sailorfor the simple fact they think they re better than everyone around them and I like knocking these people of of their imaginary pedistals. I dnt cuss all the time, just 90% of the time LOL!!!!! Now with women it all depends on what they are saying and what the circumstance is. I can understand being upset and pissed and freaking out a little, but when a woman throws the shit out there like a man that is a major turn off. Men are idiots so woman just expect it out of us. I have really turned down the cussing from what it used to be, but no one will ever tell me there isnt a place for me to tell someone to go fck them self when that person desreves it.....

Why on GODS green earth would that piss you off, LMAO! I agree I think people who tend to curse a lot more then normal are of a lower class of people. So not sure how that equates to their intelect, but they come off to me as being low class dirt bags!
Why on GODS green earth would that piss you off, LMAO! I agree I think people who tend to curse a lot more then normal are of a lower class of people. So not sure how that equates to their intelect, but they come off to me as being low class dirt bags!

LmfAo... Well look who woke up upstairs.. Hahahahahaha..
I cuss a lot, but not around certain people, it depends on the company I guess. If I'm having a convo with an adult in a professional manor, I'll hold it in. And at work I can't cuss my customers or I'll get into some trouble, but there's times where it's needed I guess to a degree to get your point across. And before I got into the position I'm in at work, we worked in a factory type setting and it was 99% guys so the cuss words were probably in half of every sentence spoken. I guess it kind of depends on the job, certain jobs will yield a person to cuss more than others. Construction, factory jobs, basically jobs where you're around mainly guys and not dealing with the public will have the workers cussing more openly. I don't mind cussing at all, I try not to say GD, but when I'm pissed it comes out.
What the hell does cussin have to do with inteligence????? That kinda pisses me off. We all come from diff walks of life and sometimes cussing is just part of the cards we were delt. Now that being said, I dnt drop Fbombs around children EVER!!!!! And if I do I instantly apologize. Now some old fckrs I purposely cuss like a sailorfor the simple fact they think they re better than everyone around them and I like knocking these people of of their imaginary pedistals. I dnt cuss all the time, just 90% of the time LOL!!!!! Now with women it all depends on what they are saying and what the circumstance is. I can understand being upset and pissed and freaking out a little, but when a woman throws the shit out there like a man that is a major turn off. Men are idiots so woman just expect it out of us. I have really turned down the cussing from what it used to be, but no one will ever tell me there isnt a place for me to tell someone to go fck them self when that person desreves it.....[/QUOTE

Well see I'm fukin stupid for sayin intelligence And I'm fukin smart a little.. Disregard that word dammit.. Why are us men fukin idiots? Lol.. Where's Pressers 2 cents on this.. I think we understand this cause we are in the construction industry and need correct words to get people to move their asses bro ..

LOL!!!!! Finnaly someone that feels my pain. Like I said, sometimes telling someone to shut the fck up and get their ass in gear is the only way to get results.....
im glad i have gotten better with thinking before i speak (this doesnt include driving) sometimes my first thoughts are to cuss a fcker. i did get stung by wasp last month and couldnt keep from saying SHIIIIIIIIIIT. this fine new girl at gym was stretching last week and DAMN just came right out. i rarely will say GD and honestly hate when i hear someone else say it especially when its used often.
LOL!!!!! Finnaly someone that feels my pain. Like I said, sometimes telling someone to shut the fck up and get their ass in gear is the only way to get results.....

I feel the same way, and I also believe there's times certain people need cussed at to show them that they aren't special or better than anyone else. The people that talk down to others and feel that they're far superios are the ones that need mother fucked the most. But in normal conversation, I don't cuss a lot because I just feel like cussing is a way to show emotions so by saying it all the time takes away from that. At least in my mind it does
I feel the same way, and I also believe there's times certain people need cussed at to show them that they aren't special or better than anyone else. The people that talk down to others and feel that they're far superios are the ones that need mother fucked the most. But in normal conversation, I don't cuss a lot because I just feel like cussing is a way to show emotions so by saying it all the time takes away from that. At least in my mind it does
I totaly agree with everything you said bro. There is a time and a place for everything.
For the record, I don't have kids so I don't have to watch around them. If I did have kids, I'd certainly tone it down A LOT!!! But like I've said as it stands, I can keep it under control unless someone really just pisses me off, then it's game over and the rule book is history
Yeah for some reason women that cuss really turn me off and I'm sure vise versa for a woman to hear a man cuss.. It's kinda shows no intelligence or brain activity more than stupid..
What the fuck?!? So because I'm a fuckin cool ass bitch I can't say shit or I'm considered unintelligent? This is fucking bullshit! Sometimes shit needs to be said so I say it and if you don't like it then you can kiss my ass!

Hehe...The Dude had to help me out with this one :p
The only time it's ok (IMO) for a woman to cuss is in the bedroom!
Women can cuss to an extent... Sometimes you see a chick cussing and you picture the toothless wonder with a Marlboro 100 hangin out her mouth. It depends on the chick and situation. I already have a rep for bein a huge Ahole so I at least try to watch my mouth around kids and old people...