you kiss your mother with that mouth??

What the fuck?!? So because I'm a fuckin cool ass bitch I can't say shit or I'm considered unintelligent? This is fucking bullshit! Sometimes shit needs to be said so I say it and if you don't like it then you can kiss my ass!

Hehe...The Dude had to help me out with this one :p
The only time it's ok (IMO) for a woman to cuss is in the bedroom!

Lol.. Now I like this!! I need to hear more!! So my wording was off... And I Thot this post was over and you fukin busted my ass! .. Lol.
Women can cuss to an extent... Sometimes you see a chick cussing and you picture the toothless wonder with a Marlboro 100 hangin out her mouth. It depends on the chick and situation. I already have a rep for bein a huge Ahole so I at least try to watch my mouth around kids and old people...

Fuk Silk!! Doesn't he get some smackdown too??