Your Anadrol Experiences

Just had a thought though...I wonder if my having to be on HRT is why I react so differently with anadrol. I've used prescribed methyltestosterone (brand name android) before when Upjohn was having production problems with test cyp and had no problem with those either so it could be.
Local124bro said:
Really any pros or cons , Ive never done it and this thread was a few months old so I thought I might get some more info on it and add to it. Im still up in the air either Anadrol or Dbol. I dont have an injectable at the moment to run with my test cyp. so Im trying to make good with what I can get.

i think they (dbol and drol) are a waist of time unless used as a jump start to a test based cycle, meaning a week or so til ur prop kicks in or a couple more weeks til ur long acting tests kick in then drop them
i tired drol from last cycle,i think that's pointless....i gained 20lb in 2 week then lost everything when i stop stick with injectable!!!but i think winny or anavar would be a good choice,the gains come slow but easy to keep.
At 50mgs ed I had some BP issues and some water retention (but expected), but nothing to bad could have been to much sodium. At 100mgs ed, I couldnt even get through a work out, I would get such a pump after my second or third exercise I couldnt even train anymore, along with that I would turn bright pink (BP) and increased my gyno.

But used correctly its a great compound, I like to run it at about week 8 or 9 of a cycle when seems my injectibles are starting to flat out, 50 mgs for 3 weeks, after that I just believe your wasting money and stress on your kidneys and liver.
body2see said:
I gave a two week cycle a try...

My gains were pretty obvious, though I did puff up quite a bit, I looked big as hell...

I broke out pretty badly of course, and I noticed my hair thinning right away, so I started up Nioxin which took care of that...

I noticed pre gyno, higher blood pressure, and some strength gains....

A few weeks later and I didn't keep much of the gain, though I still have the sides...

It's a good jumpstart I agree, but for me, it doesn't make sense to use it...

After all these years, I am finding Test is always the only item that makes sense for concurrent use.

What Mg did you run at? Nioxin ? Could you tell me a little about that...
Dbol gives me good strength gains, but Not in weight because they cause constipation real bad. When that happens, I can't eat, have heartburn,etc., so i tried pulsing them, only taking right before and after a workout. Seemed to help.

My question is has anybody on here ever pulsed anadrol before? And also does anadrol cause constipation as well? I am speaking of liquid anadrol, if it matters.
I confirmed that it was not my imagination about the effects I experienced on drol. I have some more now in the way of a liquid, and I had an awesome workout, completely stuffed myself, and slept like a rock last night. For some strange reason, my body likes this stuff.
Me too. Seems better than dbol to me. I read that anadrol gives a general feeling of confusion and aggression as opposed to dbol's general sense of well being. Doesn't seem to be the case with me. I like it so far. I am only pulsing mine. Taking 100 mg preworkout, and 50 post workout. Your supposed to get 60% of the benefits of the drug that way, and only 40% of the sides.
That's a really large dose bro. Be careful about the hidden side effects going on inside your body. I.E. Liver damage, poor lipid levels, high blood pressure, etc. The very most I would take is possibly 100mg per day and even then that you need to get your blood checked every few months. Many never get tests done and they are doing irreversible damage from taking large doses. Those few things are silent killers. One day you are fine and the next you could be having a heart attack, poorly functioning liver causes jaundice or worse, or a stroke.
Thanks for lookin out bro. I read the max dose is 150 a day. OI was trying to push it to the limit. I will back it down to 100. I'm only taking it eod, while working out though, so I thought I could kick it up a notch. Good looking out brother.
klowndog said:
Me too. Seems better than dbol to me. I read that anadrol gives a general feeling of confusion and aggression as opposed to dbol's general sense of well being. Doesn't seem to be the case with me. I like it so far. I am only pulsing mine. Taking 100 mg preworkout, and 50 post workout. Your supposed to get 60% of the benefits of the drug that way, and only 40% of the sides.

Yeah that sounds like alot too... Ive never taken it but I am wanting to do 50mg a day maybe 75mg at most for only 2 weeks . What about the pulsing and how would you do that? How long before you work out? What truth is there to that? It sounds good....
Ive tried both abombs, and dbols.. and I personally dislike anadrol.. I would recommend dbols instead.. I got better gains, and instead of getting that sick bloated feeling it got me pumped up to workout..
I tried 150mg/day myself a while back. I'm using 100mg/day now, and I actually seem to be getting more out of it, and I feel pumped all the time.
Here's the text of that link:

Posted by Dr. D @ Anabolic Minds
How to "pulse" orals

A lot of guys have been asking me to clarify my method on this cycling technique, so here's a good explanation if you're interested in trying this. It can generally be applied to any steroidal compound.

What is "pulse" cycling? Pulsing is a method of dosing a product designed to intentionally avoid potential long term side effects such as HPTA suppression and liver damage. This technique is usually applied as a means of toxicity control when potent corticoids are used on children requiring long term therapy. However, this method can be applied to anyone using any oral steroid with great success and significantly reduced side effects. With pulsing, the serious long term side effects of chronic oral treatment are avoided and short term side effect like acne and mineral retention are much milder that usual. This allows for higher doses to be used since the dosing is less frequent. For example, if you would normally take a product at 30 mg/day, that equals a total intake of 210 mg/week. While pulsing, you might typically take 40 mg on work out days only, 3 times per week. That only comes out to 120 mg/week total! This provides the needed benefits of the product at the most crucial times, which are just before and just after a work out, and offers a means of avoiding the suppression of endogenous steroid production one would expect on a standard, daily dosing cycle. In other words, you can often pulse a compound for 6-8 weeks before you realistically need to start thinking about a conventional post cycle therapy. After a 4 week pulsing cycle, post cycle therapy should not even be required in most cases!

Basically, if you dose every day (ED) in perfectly spaced doses, you will achieve 100% effect, 100% short term side effects, and 100% long term side effects. If you dose every other day (EOD) like the pulse protocol, you still get about 60% effect and 75% short term sides, but only about 40% of the long term sides. That's not a bad trade off and very economical on the body and as well as the wallet! Of course, if you would have gained 10 pounds on a standard 1 month cycle, you will only gain about 6 pounds per month pulsing, but it also means you can do this for twice as long as a standard cycle. That equals about 2 months of worry free dosing, so the net effect is a gain of about 12 pounds over 2 months instead of 10 pounds over 1 month. This structure offers fewer sides and a milder post cycle therapy requirement (if even needed at all) plus the slower gains tend to have a better residual that is more likely to be permanent compared to faster gains. It's a great long term strategy for vets wanting to run 12 weeks, and good for new users too looking to run fast and clean 1 month cycles with no post cycle therapy needed later.

There are three common approaches to pulsing:
1) EOD dosing, so 3-4 times per week.
2) 2 days on / 2 days off
3) 2 weeks on / 2 weeks off (some guys do this and think it's great, I don't practice it but it looks exceptionally safe at least)

Depending on your workout schedule, I would use one of these options for optimal pulsing efficiency. Doses can usually be high (40-60 mg instead of 10-30 mg) but take them close together preferably before 6 pm. It's not crucial you take the last dose before 6 pm, but the earlier the better for avoiding shut down. Take half of the total dose pre work out and half post work out instead of spread out evenly over the whole day like a conventional cycle. If an odd dose is to be used, like 30 mg, take the majority pre work out (so 20 mg pre/10 mg post). However, when pulsing non methylated compounds or fast acting ethers, take the greater dose post work out instead of pre work out. When pulsing, dose at least 3 times per week but not more than 4 times to insure optimal results. 5 doses per week is pushing it and suppression will eventually ensue. If this is attempted, "holidays" of complete non use for up to a week per month may be required to discourage suppression. I do not recommend more than 4.5 doses per week and that is for advanced level only!

Also important to remember is nutrition. Have a good, high carb/calorie post work out meal or shake, and ingest sufficient protein especially on the off days. Off days are also a good time to take a cortisol antagonist or even just low dose DHEA (25-50 mg) if you're a slow healer or hard gainer especially. Cortisol peaks in the morning and again in the mid afternoon so dose at those 2 times minimum. Although pulsing is a great way to avoid suppression, if you're extra sensitive to shut down or using a very suppressive compound, an herbal testosterone booster can be used on the off nights or even included everyday. In fact, running test boosters as the core of your cycle and pulsing a methyl just to augment that is possibly one of the best methods you could employ if not using injectable testosterone. Also, avoid the use of SERMs with long half lives when pulsing. An aromatase inhibitor (AI) or test booster will further punctuate the positive, hormonal "bounce back" effect of pulsing. This bounce back phenomenon is an effect that is often noted when pulsing, so don't be alarmed if your testicular size increases dramatically on the off days. It is not uncommon for testicular volume and testosterone levels to increase above baseline, especially on consecutive off days during the pulse or after the cycle is over. This is like a built in post cycle therapy effect and if you're pulsing properly, you should experiences this to some degree. In pulsing, it is also important to remember that the smaller number of dose exposures means faster liver clearance. Normal safety ancillaries like healthy oils and lipid supplements are always advised on cycle and off, but be modest with liver protectants like Milk Thistle. They are generally counter productive and therefore not suggested when pulsing, except in conjunction with very potent or toxic compounds. If you elect to use liver protectants anyway, I would reserve them for off days only or take them no earlier than 6 hrs after your final dose of anabolics. Cycle safe!

Example of a 3x/wk pulse M,W,F:

1 (10,20,30)
2 30
3 30-40
4 30-40
5 30-50
6 30-50
7 30-60
8 30-60

Example of a 4x/wk pulse Sat, Sun, Wed, Thur:

1 (10,20,30,30)
2 30
3 30-40
4 30-40
5 30-50
6 30-50
saudades said:
I tried 150mg/day myself a while back. I'm using 100mg/day now, and I actually seem to be getting more out of it, and I feel pumped all the time.

How long do you run your drol?