Your best workout advice...


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Everyone needs advice once in a while, as some advice is worth remembering. If you were to give one piece of workout advice, what would it be?
LEARN PROPER FORM FIRST the weight will come, but learn the entire movement from extension to contraction. To me the difference between guys who have great builds and those who don't is not only genetics, but bad form and no mind muscle connection.Everyone gets enamoured with heavy weight before they know how to handle it! I can prove this 3-4 times a week when I am digging some kid/guy out from under a heavy bench.
LEARN PROPER FORM FIRST the weight will come, but learn the entire movement from extension to contraction. To me the difference between guys who have great builds and those who don't is not only genetics, but bad form and no mind muscle connection.Everyone gets enamoured with heavy weight before they know how to handle it! I can prove this 3-4 times a week when I am digging some kid/guy out from under a heavy bench.

This is 100% true. I've seen this SO many times it's crazy
LEARN PROPER FORM FIRST the weight will come, but learn the entire movement from extension to contraction. To me the difference between guys who have great builds and those who don't is not only genetics, but bad form and no mind muscle connection.Everyone gets enamoured with heavy weight before they know how to handle it! I can prove this 3-4 times a week when I am digging some kid/guy out from under a heavy bench.

This!!! Every damn day you see "That Guy" benching 275 for a good 5 half reps, or doing his 2 inch squats and half curls. I use to try to correct people but they always seem to react the same way, "I know what Im doing man, thanks anyways." So I just stopped.
This!!! Every damn day you see "That Guy" benching 275 for a good 5 half reps, or doing his 2 inch squats and half curls. I use to try to correct people but they always seem to react the same way, "I know what Im doing man, thanks anyways." So I just stopped.

It seems everyone "short strokes" every exercise now....I don't even help out unless I am training a client. Other than attitude is "go do your thing man!"
In 2 words my all time advise to people is " Slow Down "
I tell people often that patients is the name of the game, and that resistance builds muscle and yields results, resistance to listen builds injury and halts all results!
Come on guys...give him something he can use. If this person is a newbie in bodybuilding of course he knows he has to be patient, but what advice would you give him in the workout? "don't be impatient" and 'it's a marathon and not a sprint" are fine, but what if he is wanting advice further than that? Metal, I know you can give helpful advice about how NOT to get hurt...I mean once you have been there you know the importance more than anyone. What did you learn through this?
Here is something I have learned the hard way and I will give it to you as advice. I PROMISE YOU if you will invest your time and do this you will be amazed at your longevity in the sport. I hurt my hamstring and groin in the left leg over a year ago. I would rest it, but then re-injure it until it got to the point I couldn't even squat 135lbs at all!!!! It felt like my groin was about to fall out!
I now have a girl that is a therapist that stretches me out 4 x a week. After only 4 weeks of stretching I am back over 500lb squats for reps again, 1890lb leg presses for reps again and while I am sore I am not hurting. LEARN TO STRETCH and it only takes 20 minutes! You will be glad you did because it elongates the muscle, which allows for more growth and gives you more range of motion...not to mention injury prevention.
Come on guys...give him something he can use. If this person is a newbie in bodybuilding of course he knows he has to be patient, but what advice would you give him in the workout? "don't be impatient" and 'it's a marathon and not a sprint" are fine, but what if he is wanting advice further than that? Metal, I know you can give helpful advice about how NOT to get hurt...I mean once you have been there you know the importance more than anyone. What did you learn through this?
Soon as I'm done eating I will do just as you asked my dear friend. Give me a few:chicken:
Plan ahead, think about your workout before you get to the gym, have a plan on what you're going to do that day (body parts and exercises). Also if you're a newbie, keep a log of your workouts so you can see your progress, it'll help you out from week to week in the gym and also help outside of the gym in that you will actually see the results in black and white in addition to the mirror
see which one of your friends is the biggest and mimic what they do =)
You asked for one piece of work-out advise, how ever I have a summery here if I may.
Over the years of weight training, getting to know my diet, my body and how it adjusts to what and the sensitivity of it all. I have come to learn and realize a few key things that really stand out anymore and seems to be the same method that Vets alike adopt over the years. It's all about what works and whats bull shit!
In my exploration in this sport I have seen/heard and tested just about every theory out there to my understanding. At the end of the day, it all comes down to what works best for ME. I learned to believe 95% of what I see and only 5% of what I hear. Seeing is believing, or proof in the pudding so to speak.
I listened to guru's spout things about this and that, and other gym rats rant about this product, or this routine. I have sat back and watched all the sheep, as it is amusing anymore. I guess my advise is more of a rant, and the rant is based on getting to know yourself and your limitation, don't worry about what John or Jeff does, just do you and be your own research rat and base your experience on YOUR experience not others.
In a nut shell my advise is, get to know goals, complete goals, and make more. And goals aren't just progress in the weight dept. It's diet and education about what makes your body tick, and learning about what is to much, or to little for your body, and learning how sensitive it really is to things.
Someone can have all the power and knowledge in the whole world in sport meds/and physical training/diet ext. And it is worth jack shit if he/she don't know what works for them. This sport is truly a science, and your mind and body is the project at hand. We are a fine specimen that needs to be self researched daily, thus self improvements.
Don't listen to myths or theories you may stumble over, cause most the time it gets sliced and diced along the way and your learning someone elses bad habits! And know that the price of success in the sport or life in general comes from two words " Dedication ". and " Determination ". When one just applies themselfs, just a smig, even then they will see results!
Make your ambitions to rule and know yourself, and emancipate yourself from the " I cant's or I wont's, or I don't know how. Fuck all that mental slavery, only we can free ourselves and escape our minds and get what we want, when we want, and to exactly how much we want!
I know what I want, to be bigger and better then what I was yesterday and today, and make it happen so I can have it tomorrow!

There's mine, hope it aint to over the edge for ya's!

No sugar coating from this guy!:bench:
Most important thing you do is when you leave the gym. How you live your life outside it. Are you eating whole nutritious foods or are you eating shit and drinking and smoking crap. You should eat the best possible foods 95% of the time, the other 5 you can treat yourself. Are you getting quality rest hanging out with positive motivated people. Cut the losers and the negative people out they just like dragging people down with them. Its what you do outside the gym that will have the most important influence on your physique.
OK then fair enough...Marathon not a sprint is more of a philosphy...
Workout advice would be to train PROGRESSIVLY...your goal should be small increases in weight and or reps throughout your journey...seems like everyone forgets that after theyve been at it a couple years and they spend another year or two making no physique improvments at all...they forgot that when they made there best progress(the begining)they were also increasing there strength with good regularity...
you dont need huge jumps...a 5lb increase every other week on squats for instance will leave you about 100lbs stronger in the squat at the end of the year...fight thru the plateaus with straight up balls out intensity...the weights dont own own get in the gym and make that weight you couldnt do before your bitch:bench: and have some fun.
I would have to say my best advice would be: Count Sets, Not Reps!

Atleast this is how I have always worked out.

REASON BEING: If you always go til failure then your getting the muscle worked properly. I sometimes find guys who can easily squeeze out another 1 or 2 reps but stop because they reached their rep count of 10. And I also have seen guys lose intensity in the gym when they find that they cant reach their goal of the 10th rep and burn out at rep 7 or 8 and then the rest of their workout they are in a half ass mood.

So I always say Count Sets, Not Reps ...Go to Failure!
I would have to say my best advice would be: Count Sets, Not Reps!

Atleast this is how I have always worked out.

REASON BEING: If you always go til failure then your getting the muscle worked properly. I sometimes find guys who can easily squeeze out another 1 or 2 reps but stop because they reached their rep count of 10. And I also have seen guys lose intensity in the gym when they find that they cant reach their goal of the 10th rep and burn out at rep 7 or 8 and then the rest of their workout they are in a half ass mood.

So I always say Count Sets, Not Reps ...Go to Failure!

right there you have it, GO TO FAILURE! the basis for HIT training...
do the warm up sets then go to failure

DON'T YANK THE WEIGHTS, I still see guys who have years of experience do this and given enough time they will injure or tear something