Your girl and comps....

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I have a friend who's girlfriend powerlifts and bodybuilds. She's not a bad looking girl, but she's got some muscle to her and she owns quite a few American powerlifting records. I don't think I'd want to date a chick that was hardcore into bodybuilding and powerlifting. Bikini and Fitness yes, but powerlifting and bodybuilding, I don't think so. Would you guys really be into a girl that powerlifts and bodybuilds??
As I've said 1000 times my ex-wife is a Figure Pro. I'll never date a competitor again. My girlfriend is very big into training with me and is very strong and has a killer body and is very lean. She's stronger than alot of guys in the gym. She only does it because she loves it and it's our thing. She'll never compete, even though I've told her I could easily get her into shape for Figure and she'd be a pro in no time.
This girl isn't too bad looking, not hot, but not ugly. I just don't think I could do the whole bodybuilding thing, fitness or figure, yes, bodybuilding or powerlifting, no
i like my girl very soft and hydrated

Im with theBIGness on this one .. my wife will never seriously hit the gym if she can help it. She has spoken of going running and maybe doing a half marathon, but it never took off.

I bought her 2 gym memberships to date and she has gone errr 3 times i think ... just not that in to it.

Hardcore girls are great to looks at, and if you can find one that is in to EVERYTHING that you are, training, juice, diet .. then i dont see why you couldnt be happy.

but im still with theBIGness, soft and hydrated :)