Your Summer cycle?

I was planning some winny but i think the bros on here have me talked into anavar this time
in another 3 weeks im gonna be running test, eq, and tren again for 16 weeks with igf.
Started 1 week ago
1-16 750 test C
1-16 600 eq
Also taking 4iu a day Growth. Will be on hopefully non stop. may switch up to 10iu x 3 week
1-5 50ed winny
10-16 40ed anavar.
PCT to follow.
1-12 Test Prop 100mg ed
1-4 Dbol 50mg ED
1-8 Tren Ace 75mg ed
3-8 Mast Prop 75mg ed
1-7 MC IGF 40mcg ED
1-20 CJC1295 No Dac 100mcg 3x daily
1-20 GHRP-2 100mcg 3x daily
I'm going to run the same cycle I did last year

Test E
Tren A
Masteron at the end
same as you big , but without the GH and will add Anavar from week 7 till the end. as it's almost impossible to find GH here with normal prices.
my first run with EQ... just started week 3

1-20 EQ @600mg
1-6 dbol
3-10 Test E @ 450mg
11-20 Test E @ 600mg

running GHRP-6 and hcg all the way