Z-Track method for injecting

Gear101* said:
The air lock injection technique involves injecting a small amount of air with the liquid (IM ONLY!) to keep the fluid rejection to a minimum.

That's exactly correct, and that's my point (fluid rejection & to prevent seepage into other tissue, esp. subq tissue). The intention of my post was not to flame ANYONE on this board or any other board. It just seems that this paranoia of IM injected air will never die which is stupid because it's a commonly practiced medical technique throughout the world. So perhaps instead of promulgating paranoia throughout these Internet boards, everyone should do some simple research first and find out what the truth really is. And yes, that's what these boards are for, even if people continue to ignore the truth...I suppose.

bigshug, I was NOT directly responding to your post or anyone else's for that matter...just the misrepresentation of the truth that you see on nearly every bb board in existence. If anyone mistakenly thought I was addressing them, please be aware that my frustrations were directed solely at the myth.
I thought that it was a poor choice of words coming from an obviously intelligent and well-read man. I really don’t have anything to do with this post; so I guess I should mind my own business.
scorpio, I appreciate the compliment and your criticism has been duly noted. I will try to keep my hormones in check in the future, lol.
Sorry man I'm running on fina and I'm thin skinned. I think you add a lot to the board.
I hear ya, goldengear. Now I feel like a dumbass for posting the whole "Z-Track" thread when I obviously hadn't done my homework on the subject first......ah well, at least now I know the AIR LOCK INJECTION TECHNIQUE won't kill me...lol. I'm just an anal person, y'know, I want to get all of that damn juice out of the cylinder and into my scrawny muscles