zero carbs/ anabolics

Thanks a lot Brother! How many tbsps of MCT oil prior to training or cardio?

By the way do you use Ketostix or a Gluccometer to test and see if ur in Keto? I learned the latter is much better at detecting if you are.

Sorry, I have been traveling all week. I use 1-2 tbsp before a workout. If I am doing high level cardio ( tennis) for 2-3 hours I will use 2 tbsp before and 2 tbsp during. As for your second question, I am not a good one to ask since I know when I am in keto since I have been doing it for 15+ years. The ketostix as I recalled sucked because if you are active enough your body uses all the ketones and the stix show you with not ketones just because you are using them all. I would guess the gluccometer to be a better way of detecting.
Still have a hard time with this cutting water. I would push much as 3g per day leading up to the show. Last time I went on stage I pushed 1L of H20 every hour of the day and cut it off early afternoon the day before pre judging. My body kept pushing water like crazy I was pissing every 15 mins. Only thing I used was aladactone to help regulate the water. Starting loading fat and sodium as needed 5 hours after my last sip of water. Crazy part is I added water back in right before the show to help fill out.

- - - Updated - - -

Still have a hard time with this cutting water. I would push much as 3g per day leading up to the show. Last time I went on stage I pushed 1L of H20 every hour of the day and cut it off early afternoon the day before pre judging. My body kept pushing water like crazy I was pissing every 15 mins. Only thing I used was aladactone to help regulate the water. Starting loading fat and sodium as needed 5 hours after my last sip of water. Crazy part is I added water back in right before the show to help fill out.